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tannins, found in tea, can cause constipation. caffeine is a diuretic and dehydrates you, and may also cause constipation.

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Q: Does drinking caffeinated tea and diet cola cause constipation and hard stool?
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Related questions

Would turkey cause bloody stool?

Meat can cause constipation but I wouldn't say bloody stool. You should immediateley talk to a doctor.

How long is constipation?

Constipation lasts until the stool is passed.

what are the systems effected by constipation?

The systems that are most affected by constipation are the digestive and excretory systems. Constipation can cause bloating, abdominal pain, and difficulty passing stool. It can also lead to more serious problems like fecal impaction, where stool hardens and becomes difficult or impossible to pass.

Can an antibiotic cause dry stool?

Most antibiotics have the potential to cause either loose stool or runny diarrhea. The chance of dry stool or constipation is very low from taking antibiotics. However, some illnesses need a combination of meds so another medication may be causing the dry stools. For example, a doctor might prescribe a decongestant and an antibiotic. The decongestant would be more likely to cause constipation or dry stool.

Does progesterone cause constipation?

Yes. This is why sometimes in early pregnancy or right before/during period you may notice loose stool or diarrhea. Progesterone causes the uterus to contract and can cause bowl movements

What would cause a calf to have black feces?

This could be due to constipation (if the stool is hard that is a sign of constipation, if so feed them some natural yogurt, this will help soften the stool). It could also be due to an irritation of the bowel or digestive system or a sign of dehydration, keep an eye on their eating and drinking, if you have noticed a decrease in appetite, than call your vet for a further look, antibiotics or fluids could be needed. Hope that this helps.

Is constipation with soft stool a sign of pregnancy?


What causes grainy sand like stools in children?

constipation leads to loose grainy stool passing around a hard plug of stool. So constipation and encopresis.

What is the failure to pass any stool?

The failure to pass any stool is known as fecal impaction. It occurs when a hard mass of stool gets stuck in the colon and prevents normal bowel movements. This condition can cause symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, and constipation. Treatment may involve laxatives, enemas, or manual removal of the impacted stool by a healthcare provider.

Can constipation or excess gas cause pain when sitting?

Absolutely. Constipation and gas or stool with air fluid level, is one of the most common causes of abdominal pain in cases presenting to emergency rooms.

What are the earliest signs of blockage in a ferret?

A ferret with an an intestinal blockage or partial intestinal blockage symptoms: * vomiting, sometimes projectile vomiting * Not eating or drinking/or poor appetite * no stool, skinny (narrow) stool or loose stool (diarrhea) * straining to defecate * lethargy * signs of abdominal pain (pawing at mouth, grinding teeth)

What causes soft stool and constipation?

One thing the doctors don't tell you about quiting cigarettes is that with the slow down in your metabolism comes constipation, and no amount of fibre can help because it is soft stool.