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Q: Does egg shell color affect quality of egg?
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Does the container of the egg affect its flavor?

If you consider the egg shell the container, than yes. The shell keeps the egg from spoiling too quickly.

What is color of buffalo milk?

egg shell color slightly yellow

What color is the peahen's egg shell?

it is a "dirty" white

How do you make chickens lay browner eggs?

You cannot change the color of the egg shell, genetics are pre determined at hatch and the color of the shell is not effected by feed. You can change the color of the yolk with feed but not the shell itself. The color of the shell is due to a bile duct secretion as the egg is forming in the oviduct of the hen.

Does a fresh egg have a tougher shell than an older egg?

The thickness of the shell is not determined by the color. The age and health of the bird determines the quality of the shell. As a hen ages, her reproductive system cannot maintain peak shell making capabilities. Her system will no longer utilize the proteins and calcium she eats the same as when she was young. Eventually her egg production comes to a halt.

What determines the color of an egg shell?

Breed and genetics determine the color of the hens egg. The part of the oviduct called the Isthmus is where the membranes of the inner shell are deposited, for some select breeds like Araucana this is where the color of the egg shell is first deposited. Calcification of the shell takes place in the uterus and at this time and for most breeds of chicken the color of the shell is acquired in the uterus just prior to being released to the vagina and released through the vent.

Can brown chickens lay white eggs?

Yes. Feather color does not effect the color of the egg shell, breed determines the color of the egg.

Does organic chickens lay brown eggs?

yes but so do non-organic chickens! The breed of the chicken determines the color of the egg shell. Nothing else affects the color of the egg shell.

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What is an egg shell?

the shell of an egg

What part of the Leghorn Chicken's egg is white?

The multilayer hard shell of the egg of a White Leghorn chicken is white. The inside is the same color as every other chicken's egg. The shell is white because the Leghorn does not have the color genes to have blue shells or brown applied to the outer shell layers.

Do the color of the egg matter on the mother or father?

The colour of the egg shell primarily depends on the mother's breeding.