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Absolutely. In gmail, there is an online chat application on one of the sidebars that you can use. Just add your desired contacts and you can begin chatting with them just like any other networking program. This way, if you were about to send an email to a friend, but noticed they were online, you can save yourself the time and send it to them right away!

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Q: Does google gmail support online chat?
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Does Gmail have im?

Yes it is called google chat

On gmail group chat how do you call PC-to PC?

you cant. google talk doesnt support group calling. only chatting

Are Google voice and Google talk the same thing?

Google Voice works for calling on mobile phone and also sending voice mail messages. Google Chat helps to talk online and video chat through Gmail, Orkut, iGoogle or Google+. Google Chat is free service while Google Voice requires to pay money for calling and massages.

How to have a chat on Gmail?

Chatting on Gmail is done through their IM. The name of IM of Google is Google Hangouts. It can be used for chatting to friends or groups.

What happened to google chat?

nothing it's still there just on gmail

What features does Gmail IM have?

The Gmail IM program has many different features. Popular features include text chat, video chat, and audio chat. As with other Google projects, Gmail IM is always being improved.

How do you find frnds on Gmail or chat?

You can find friends on Google Chat. Gmail is only used to mail people you know. It requires a specific Email ID.

Where is invisible in Google Chat?

The invisible is a type of Google Chat status. It means that the person is not visible what he/she is doing. The available is the default status in Gmail.

Does Gmail have instant messaging?

Yes, Gmail has instant messaging, aka, Google Chat. You can only IM with someone who is on your contacts, and has Gmail.

Where can one find support for Google voice and video chat?

Support for Google voice and video chat can be found in the support section of the Google pages. Google offer several help pages to answer many questions about Google voice and video chat.

Who invent online chat?

I think it is Yahoo!,Gmail and Hotmail.

You can't chat in Gmail please give other site name to chat with your Gmail friends?

You can, you just need to add people who have Google Talk or use gmail I think you can chat but you have to have contacts and stuff so that is my opinion. You can chat but you need contacts and plus, i have a great chat website - - it's great!!