

Does light travel slower then sound?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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No. It's the other way around ... sound is much slower.

The numbers for each are thus:

* Speed of Sound: 340.29 m/s * Speed of Light: 299,792,458 m/s Yup - light is faster ... much faster. You've never heard in the comic books "faster than the speed of light"??????

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What way dose sound travel?

Through invisible waves, which travel slightly slower than light waves. :3

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As you know, light is electromagnetic wave. While sound is mechanical wave, Sound requires a medium to travel, and sound offers best condition for it. While light is enegry packates (photons) and solids hinder its path making it slower.

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Yes, light travels slower in water than in air.

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Way slower. For reference, the speed of sound is about 767.3 mph and the speed of light is 671,000,000 mph.

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Slower in water.

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No, slower.

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Both light and sound can indeed travel through glass. These are substances in which light and sound often travel through.

Does sound travel faster or slower with amplitude?

Amplitude has hardly any effect on the speed of sound.