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Q: Does short cut grass grow faster than long grass?
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Where do grass seeds come from?

My husband and I had this discussion on the weekend. So I lloked it up and this is what I found out. If you let the grass grow long enough it will grow seeds. I usually keep our grass short so I never noticed.

What if you watered grass seeds with milk How long would it take to grow?

.....grass seed needs moisture....I don't think that milk would cause it to grow any faster, or any slower than water, as long as it is kept saturated until it has sprouted.

Does grass have a long or short a vowel sound?

The A in grass has a short A sound, as in gas and brass. (The long A is heard in grace.)

Does grass have a short or long vowel sound?

The word "grass" has a short vowel sound. The "a" in "grass" is pronounced as /æ/.

Which is faster long bow or short bow?

A short bow is faster

Does the word grass have a long or short vowel sound?

The word "grass" has a short vowel sound for the letter "a," pronounced /æ/.

Does grass have a short a sound?

Yes. The A in grass has a short A sound, as in gas and brass. (The long A is heard in grace.)

What do you do to make to thin eyebrows grow thicker?

You have to wait and wait that's the long way or the short ways are buying fake ones or using special cream on it that makes it grow faster!

What grows faster a sunflower or grass?

grass it grows in about a week sunflowers take a long time to bloom

How long does it take to make your hair grow faster?

You can not make your hair grow any faster than it does naturally.

Does a long fish swim faster than short fish?

i think that a short one swims faster

Why are their more insects in long grass than short grass?

Because they like to hide