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No. Halley's Comet barely gets past the orbit of Neptune, and not by much. It is well short of reaching into the Kuiper Belt.

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Q: Does the Halley's Comet ever leave our Solar System?
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Could a comet leave the Milky Way?

No. It is possible for a comet to leave our solar system, but not the galaxy.

Why dont comets leave the solar system instead of returning?

If the comet has enough movement energy, it might leave the Solar System forever. Otherwise, the Sun's gravity will eventually slow it down, and the comet will return.

What ia the zone from which a long period comet comes from?

By definition, long period comets come from within the gravitational pull of this solar system; when they leave the solar system, they are no longer considered to have a period.

Is Halley's comet part of our solar system?

Yes. The solar system is everything that orbits the sun.

Is mars still in the solar system?

Yes. It is never going to leave the solar system.

What two comet tails originate from?

What DO comet tails originate from? They are formed when the sun causes gas and dust to leave the comet, and are then swept away by solar winds. This is why that no matter which direction a comet is traveling, it's tail is always pointed awY from the sun.

Could Pluto be destroyed by a comet?

No, Pluto is too large to be destroyed by a comet. The comet would just hit and leave a crater on Pluto's surface. Also, comets move quickly when they're close to the sun and slow down a lot when they're in the outer solar system near Pluto. So, any comet that hits Pluto would be moving pretty slowly.

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Does solar system come out of galaxy?

No. The solar system is part of the Milky Way Galaxy and is very unlikely ever to leave it.

What happens when a comet hits a planet?

If the atmosphere does not burn it up then it will hit with the force left over. Most of the time it will leave a crater in the surface of the ground or it will displace a large amount of water if it lands in a body of water. Depending on the size of the comet and the life around it will determine the full extent of the damage.

What gives comets there tails?

A comet contains a lot of rocks and frozen water. As the comet approaches the sun, it starts to get warmer. The water on its surface begins to evaporate. The solar wind blows it away from the comet. When the water vapor gets away from the comet, it turns into water or ice. People can not see water vapor. They can see drops of water and ice. The evaporated water vapor streams behind the comet carried by the solar wind. The comet comes close to the sun and then goes back. The solar wind keeps blowing its tail away from the direction of the sun.

How can you size a solar system?

Generally I leave construction projects of that magnitude up to God.