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Yes,the dead beat is expected to pay up.

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Q: Does the father of a child have to pay child support if he is not married to the mother and wants no custodial rights?
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Does a non-custodial mother have to pay child support to the father?

Yes, if the father is the custodial parent. It works just the same as when the mother is the custodial parent. The non-custodial pay child support based on their income and other factors.

How come a father has to automatically pay for child support and a mother may not if the father is the custodial parent?

A custodial parent may have to pay child support if his income is significantly higher than that of the non-custodial parent based on the non-custodial parent's "parenting time" percentage.

When calculating child support does the father add the mothers income to his then pay the mother 26percent to her?

No. If you are not married you pay child support to the custodial guardian, in this case the mother (?), and they take a 26% (?) out of your income to pay for the child. She is also already spending a % of her income. Since you are not married you do not share a income.

What should the Non custodial father do if the kids have been with him for years living in my house and now the mother tries to get support when they move with her?

In such a case, the non-custodial father should prepare to begin paying child support.

Does the father of a child have to pay child support if he is not married to the mother and wants custodial rights in Idaho?

Yes. Just because you're not married doesn't mean you're not the child's father, and it's on that basis that child support is ordered. * Additionally, both parents are equally responsible for supporting their child/children. Courts no longer grant custodial rights to the mother simply because she is "the mother". However, the law presumes that an unmarried woman retains sole custody to a child until a court rules otherwise. The father must establish parentage before the court will consider child support, custodial, visitation or other issues

Why does father who has custody of two children but still pays non custodial parent child support?

That does not seem right. The father needs to go back to court and get the Judgement altered so that the mother pays the non custodial support.

If the custodial parent two children give one of the children back to the father does the father still have to pay child support for the one child that stayed with the mother or are they even?

No, the father has to pay child support for both children. Of course the child that decides to live with him will be treated as he/she were when you were both married, but the child you have will still continue to receive child support by law!

If the dad has custody but child lives with mom can mom file for support?

No. If the mother has full custody, the father must pay child support to the mother who is supporting the child. Put simply, the non-custodial parent pays child support to the parent who does have custody.If the custodial parent makes significantly more than the non-custodial parent, the court will not order the non-custodial parent to pay the custodial parent. There are formulas for each state and county that the courts follow. There are also circumstances that do not follow typical guidlines.

If the father is custodial parent and the mother loses her job do to her own actions and cant get unemployment can she get child support based on no income when she is capible of making more money?

Child support is for the custodial parent.Be warned though that courts have ordered custodial fathers to pay when the mother make considerably less. This is most common in California.

Should custodial FATHERS receive child support?


If a got married can the mother collect back child support from my father?

Marriage of the mother, father or child have no relationship to the collection of a debt.

What if father isn't listed on birth certificate but mother wants child support but no visitation rights?

Once paternity is established, the non-custodial parent has the right to request visitation, just as the custodial parent has the right to request support.