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No, their physically appearance is the same. The only physical difference is in their reproductive systems.

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Q: Does the female cottontail rabbit look different from male cottontail rabbit?
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Is cottontail rabbit an escaped domestic rabbit?

No. A Cottontail rabbit is not a rabbit at all. It is a Hare, a cousin to our Domestic rabbits. In-fact if you put a female Hare in a Male rabbits cage, or visa versa they can't breed. They look they same but they are not the same thing.

Where should you look to find a cottontail rabbit?

In your garden

What are the difference in a male and female cottontail rabbit?

Cottontail rabbits are small although females may be slightly larger than males. Because they look so similar, the best way to tell whether they are female or male is to catch it and look at its genitalia to see what sex it is.

What is the difference between a male and female rabbit through appreance?

There is no real way to just look at the body of a rabbit and decide whether it is male or female. Unfortunately, you just have to get down there and look. --Newfoundland97

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do female and male arthropods look different

What does the eastern cottontail footprint look like?

An Eastern Cottontail Rabbit's footprint looks like 4 small circles ... one in middle, with two to right and left above it. The last small circle is directly below the middle one ... the top two are slightly larger than others.

What is a male hare?

No, a blue-eyed rabbit can be either male or female. See the related question below for more details and helpful links with pictures about how to find out if your rabbit is male or female.

How do male stingrays and female look different?

they look the same

What differences between rabbit and human?

It's a rabbit, just younger. Of course it's going to look like a rabbit.

Why does the stigma and the stamen look different?

it look different because it does different jobs and one is male and the other one is female

Do some animals look different from male to female?

yes....look at humans

Do female and male lynxes look different?

Only slightly.