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The more we understand natural law, the less we believe in God.

Because the idea of God's power are against all natural laws.

Natural laws are the anti-thesis of gods.

AnswerThe more we understand natural law, the more we are tempted not to believe in God. Full of pride, we begin to think that now, knowing the laws, we can control them, or even change them. Our delusions go even further to the extreme to think about them as if we have invented them. How stupid that is. God's power is not against the natural laws. The natural laws are in fact manifestations of God.

Natural laws are anti-thesis only of superstition and prejudice. On the other hand, superstition and prejudice are themselves anti-theses of God. This, of course, does not prove that God and natural laws are not in contradiction, but for anyone that knows God, this is obvious. We may only pray so that He squashes the pride and self-delusions in all that think that God is somehow in contradiction with Himself due to our observations of His creation.

AnswerIt contradicts the notion of a god which meddles or "micro-manages", effects daily events etc, not the god of the deist which just started simple life or made the universe and went away.

The notion of a "meddling" god is contradicted by the observable fact that electrons and protons, light, gravity etc always behave the same way, and 99% of the world's processes, weather, biological life, reproduction, the formation of the elements etc can all be explained via these behaviors.

To answer the question...Natural law doesn't put limits on God. Natural law may indicate that God limits Himself as far as what He will or will not do, but it doesn't imply that God cannot override natural law when He sees fit, such as the incident with Moses where the sun did not set for 24 hours, or the incident when a shadow moved the opposite direction of what it should've done. FUTILITYAGAIN DO NOT TRY TO EXPLAIN GOD WITH THE LIMITED CAPACITY AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE HUMAN MIND. GOD IS GOD AND THATS HOW I PUT IT. YOU CANNOT EXPLAIN SOMETHING THAT EXCEEDS YOUR KNOWLEDGE.

Natural laws do not limit God. However, God has ascribed for himself limitations. It is impossible for God to lie: Heb 6:18. The natural law of time once set in motion from the start of creation can not be suspended or traveled back into in order to make changes.

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