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Yep! The sympathetic nervous system causes both vasoconstriction & vasodilation. During "fight or flight" you need more O2/blood delivered to your skeletal muscles. The SNS causes vasodilation in skeletal muscles. The other organs, of the body (like digestive organs) are not needed for "fight or flight" survival. The SNS causes vasoconstriction in these organs.

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Q: Does the sympathetic nervous system cause vasoconstriction?
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Yes. Heroin can cause hyperglycemia because heroin stimulates the sympathetic branch of the nervous system. This branch is responsible for the constricted pupils and fast heart rate you see in heroin overdose. The high blood sugar is due to the increased demands of the cells because the metabolic rate of the cells is increased. Therefore, the sympathetic nervous system stimulates the release of stored sugar from the liver and it enters the blood stream. This causes the hyperglycemia.

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High blood pressure is the most common cause of prolonged vasoconstriction in the kidney.

When your pupils dialate does that mean you have a fast heartbeat?

No, although the two may both be signs of sympathetic nervous system stimulation, so often they're seen at the same time, though there is no cause-and-effect relationship.