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Open systems refer to systems that interact with other systems or the outside environment

Open-systems theory originated in the natural sciences and subsequently spread to fields as diverse as computer science, ecology, engineering, management, and psychotherapy. In contrast to closed-systems, the open-system perspective views an organization as an entity that takes inputs from the environment, transforms them, and releases them as outputs in tandem with reciprocal effects on the organization itself along with the environment in which the organization operates. That is, the organization becomes part and parcel of the environment in which it is situated. Returning for a moment to the example of biological systems as open-systems, billions of individual cells in the human body, themselves composed of thousands of individual parts and processes, are essential for the viability of the larger body in which they are a part. In turn, "macro-level" processes such as eating and breathing make the survival of individual cells contingent on these larger processes. In much the same way, open-systems of organizations accept that organizations are contingent on their environments and these environments are also contingent on organizations.

POSIX is an example of open systems.

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Kyla Klocko

Lvl 13
2y ago
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11y ago

An open system is a system that freely exchanges energy and matter with its surroundings. For instance, when you are boiling soup in an open saucepan on a stove, energy and matter are being transferred to the surroundings through steam. The saucepan is an open system because it allows for the transfer of matter (for example adding spices in the saucepan) and for the transfer of energy (for example heating the saucepan and allowing steam to leave the saucepan).

Let us examine how matter and energy are exchanged in an open system. Matter can be exchanged rather easily: by adding matter (i.e spices) or removing matter (i.e tasting what is being cooked). Energy exchange is a little bit more complicated than matter exchange. There are a couple of ways energy can be exchanged: through heat and through work (a more in-depth discussion of heat and work has been included below). Energy induced through heat can be demonstrated by bringing the system close to an object that dissipates heat (i.e. Bunsen burner, stove, etc.). By doing so, one is able to change the temperature of the system and therefore, induce energy through heat. Another way to increase the energy is through work. An example of inducing work is by taking a stirrer and then mixing the coffee in the cup with the stirrer. By mixing coffee, work is done as the coffee is being moved against a force.

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2w ago
  1. A closed container of gas
  2. A pot of boiling water on a stove
  3. A car engine running on gasoline
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11y ago

The three types of thermodynamic systems are - a) isolated, - b) open, and -c) closed.

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11y ago

boiling water, pneumatics, hot water in a thermos

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15y ago

the ocean

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Q: What are 3 examples of a thermodynamic system?
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What is intensive property of thermodynamic system?

An intensive property of a thermodynamic system is a property that is independent of the system's size or quantity. Examples include temperature, pressure, and density. These properties are useful for comparing and characterizing different systems regardless of their size.

Measure of the amount of energy in a thermodynamic system unavailable for doing work?

Entropy is a measure of the amount of energy in a thermodynamic system that is unavailable for doing work. It represents the system's disorder or randomness and is related to the number of possible arrangements of the system's microscopic components.

When is a thermodynamic work said to be positive?

A thermodynamic work is said to be positive when the system does work on the surroundings. This occurs when energy is transferred from the system to the surroundings, resulting in a decrease in the internal energy of the system.

How is thermodynamic probability related to entropy?

Thermodynamic probability is a measure of the likelihood of a system being in a particular microstate. Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness of a system, which is related to the number of possible microstates it can occupy. As the number of microstates available to a system increases, the entropy also increases, reflecting the higher thermodynamic probability of the system being in a more disordered state.

What is a set of particle or interacting components to which energy is added or from which energy is removed?

A thermodynamic system is a set of particles or interacting components to which energy can be added or removed. This system can exchange energy with its surroundings in the form of heat and work. Examples include a gas in a container, a block of metal, or a living organism.

Related questions

What are some examples of a thermodynamic system?

Heat Flow and Energy.

What are 3 examples of thermodynamic systems?

boiling water, pneumatics, hot water in a thermos

What is intensive property of thermodynamic system?

An intensive property of a thermodynamic system is a property that is independent of the system's size or quantity. Examples include temperature, pressure, and density. These properties are useful for comparing and characterizing different systems regardless of their size.

When cooking a popcorn what thermodynamic system should be considered?

please read the 3 kinds of thermodynamic system maybe it can help you to recognize and you can identify which one can be described.

What are various thermodynamic systems?

there are three systems : 1 open system 2 close system 3 isolated system

How do you make a sentence for enthalpy?

Enthalpy is a thermodynamic property of a thermodynamic system.

What are three examples of a thermodynamic?

The three types of thermodynamic systems are - a) isolated, - b) open, and -c) closed.

What are the conditions for availability in a thermodynamic system?

You can search the relevant meaning of the availability condition for thermodynamic system in the wikipedia since there's so much to learn and laws of thermodynamic equilibrium that explains what and those condition works.

Is it i c engine is example of closed thermodynamic system?

No, even though they both gives energy but they are differ from where they get the energy for us to use. I C energy or Internal Combustion engine is getting the energy from the chemical to turn into a mechanical energy by means of burning the fuel. While closed thermodynamic system is one of the 3 kinds of thermodynamic, can exchange energy as a heat from outside system or from its surroundings, but not matter. Earth is an example of closed thermodynamic energy its getting the source of energy from the sun but no exchanging of mass outside.

Is the heat supplied to a system always equal to the increase in its internal energywhat thermodynamic variable is defined by zeroth law and first law of thermodynamic?

The heat supplied to a system can increase its internal energy if no work is extracted from the system. If any work is done by the system, then the increase in internal energy will be less than the heat supplied to the system. The thermodynamic variable defined by the zeroeth law is Temperature.

Measure of the amount of energy in a thermodynamic system unavailable for doing work?

Entropy is a measure of the amount of energy in a thermodynamic system that is unavailable for doing work. It represents the system's disorder or randomness and is related to the number of possible arrangements of the system's microscopic components.

What should you know before starting a thermodynamic analysis?

that what is the system type you are working on