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Police officers are responsible for tracking down potential subjects that may be responsible for the crime. Once they locate who may have done the crime, they will testify in court.

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The police officers job would be to capture the criminal, bring him to justice, and fill out his report and turn it in to his advisor.

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Q: What are the responsibilities of the police after a crime has taken place?
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The Uniform Crime Report publishes crime rates that factor in two main variables. One is the population of the places the crime data is taken. The second is crime data taken from every police station in the country.

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The term you are referring to is "crime scene." It is the location where a crime or unlawful activity is suspected or believed to have taken place and is typically investigated by law enforcement.

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UCR stands for the Uniform Crime Report. It is a report issued by the FBI every year with standardized crime rates for the nation. It is compiled from data taken at all police stations in the US.

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If I am not wrong. It is a place where the police holds you. The place could be between the police station, the court house and the prison. It depends where the detention station is situated.

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