


Taxes and Tax Preparation

Levies imposed by the government on individuals or organizations such as income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, and capital gains taxes

500 Questions

What does the term 'exemption' mean regarding the calculation of income tax?

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An exemption refers to a specific amount of income that is not subject to taxation. This typically reduces the taxpayer's taxable income, thereby decreasing the overall amount of tax owed. Exemptions can apply to different categories of income, such as for dependents or certain types of income.

If i am single and retired at age 69 do i pay tax on my OAS and CPP?

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Yes, Old Age Security (OAS) and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) benefits are taxable at the federal level. Depending on your total income for the year, you may need to pay tax on a portion of these benefits. It's recommended to consult with a tax professional for personalized advice.

Does the state of Georgia tax retirement benefits?

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Yes, Georgia does partially tax retirement income, including distributions from retirement accounts like 401(k) and IRAs. However, certain types of retirement income, such as Social Security benefits, are exempt from state income tax in Georgia.

In the first half of the 20th century literacy tests poll taxes and grandfather clauses were passed by the southern states in order to?

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These measures were passed by southern states to disenfranchise African Americans and other minority groups from voting. They imposed barriers such as literacy tests, poll taxes, and grandfather clauses to prevent them from exercising their right to vote.

How many personal excemptions do you get at age 66 on federal income tax?

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One, for yourself, plus any dependents. If you are filing a joint return, there is one exemption allowed for each spouse. The exemption rules don't change based on age. Depending on the sources of your income, taxes may be at different rates. Contact the IRS for further questions.

Does an 80 year old have to file south Caroline taxes?

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It depends on the individual's income. If the 80-year-old meets certain income thresholds set by the state of South Carolina, they may be required to file taxes. It is recommended to check with a tax professional or the South Carolina Department of Revenue for more specific guidance.

Are taxes reduced for elderly?

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Some countries offer tax breaks for elderly individuals, such as higher standard deductions or lower tax rates. These tax breaks are aimed at helping seniors manage their finances in retirement. It's important to check with a tax professional or the local tax authority for specific details on tax benefits for the elderly in a particular country.

Do you have to pay social security tax on income earned after age 67?

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Yes, you still have to pay Social Security tax on income earned after age 67, as long as you are still working. There is no age limit for paying into Social Security through payroll taxes.

Why cant anyone give me a straight answer do you have to pay income if your 70 and older what the hell yes or no?

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YES, YES, YES. There is no age limit that will stop anyone from filing and paying income taxes. I have seen several people who were told this or assumed this in error. If you have taxable income over the filing threshold then you are required to file a tax return no matter what your age is. I hope this has helped you even though it may not be the answer you had hoped for.

What groups affected of poll taxes?

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Poll taxes historically affected marginalized groups such as African Americans and poor white Americans. These taxes were used as a tool to disenfranchise and discourage these groups from voting by requiring payment in order to participate in elections.

What is a push poll straw poll exit poll?

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A push poll is a form of political campaigning that aims to influence opinions rather than gather data. A straw poll is a non-binding poll to gauge public opinion on a particular issue or candidate. An exit poll is taken after someone has voted to predict electoral outcomes.

What age does a person stop paying school taxes in ga?

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In Georgia, there is no specific age at which a person stops paying school taxes. Property owners are typically required to pay property taxes, a portion of which goes towards funding local schools, regardless of age.

How much was it he poll tax in 1381?

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The poll tax imposed in England in 1381 was three groats, which was equivalent to three shillings or one quarter of a pound sterling. The tax sparked the Peasants' Revolt due to its disproportionate burden on the lower classes.

Are people over age 65 exempt from paying school taxes?

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Whether individuals over the age of 65 are exempt from paying school taxes varies depending on the jurisdiction. In some locations, seniors may be eligible for property tax exemptions or reductions based on their age, income, or other factors. It is advisable to check with the local tax assessor's office or relevant authorities to determine the specific eligibility criteria in a particular area.

Which group did poll taxes affect?

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Poll taxes primarily affected African Americans in the southern United States during the Jim Crow era. These taxes were used as a means to disenfranchise and prevent African Americans from voting by requiring them to pay a fee in order to cast their vote.

What group did poll taxes affect?

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Poll taxes affected African Americans in the southern United States during the Jim Crow era. The taxes were used as a way to disenfranchise African American voters by making it difficult for them to pay the required fees in order to vote. This discriminatory practice was eventually outlawed by the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

How many senior citizens pay income tax?

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The number of senior citizens paying income tax can vary depending on their income levels and sources. Generally, senior citizens with income above a certain threshold are required to pay income tax on their earnings from pensions, investments, and other sources. It's best to consult tax data from the relevant government agency for specific statistics.

Do seniors have to pay taxes on earned income at age eighty two years old?

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Yes, seniors are still required to pay taxes on earned income at age eighty two years old. The tax rules do not exempt individuals from paying taxes based solely on their age. However, seniors may be eligible for certain tax credits or deductions based on their age and income level.

What were the poll taxes of peasants revolt?

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The poll taxes levied during the Peasants' Revolt in 1381 were intended to fund the Hundred Years' War between England and France. These taxes were particularly burdensome on the poor peasants who were already struggling with economic hardship. The revolt was triggered by the collection of these taxes, which ultimately led to a widespread uprising of peasants across England.

Why were poll taxes discriminatory against the poor?

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Poll taxes required people to pay a flat fee in order to vote, which disproportionately affected the poor who could not afford to pay it. This made it difficult for low-income individuals to exercise their right to vote, thus disenfranchising them and contributing to their marginalization in the political process.

Does a retired person pay fica?

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No, retired individuals typically do not pay FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) taxes, which include Social Security and Medicare taxes, on their retirement income. However, if they have other sources of income, such as wages from part-time work, they may be subject to FICA taxes on that income.

How much is a single persons Band B poll tax?

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The exact amount of a single person's Band B poll tax can vary depending on their local council and the specific rates set in that area. It is best to check directly with the local council or authorities to get an accurate and up-to-date amount.

Which law offers full coverage for retirees dependent survivors and disabled persons insured by 40 quarters of payroll taxes on their past earnings or earnings of heads of households?

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The law you are referring to is likely the Social Security Act in the United States. This program provides benefits to retirees, survivors, and disabled individuals who have contributed to the Social Security system through payroll taxes for the equivalent of at least 40 quarters (10 years). The program aims to provide financial assistance and support to qualifying individuals and their dependents.

Do the elderly have to file income tax forms?

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Whether or not the elderly have to file income tax forms depends on their specific income level and sources. In general, if an elderly individual's income exceeds certain thresholds set by the IRS, they would be required to file a tax return. It's recommended that they consult with a tax professional or use the IRS guidelines to determine their filing requirements.

What is a 6E survivorship exempt?

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A 6E survivorship exemption refers to a tax provision that allows the transfer of property between a husband and wife without incurring gift or estate tax. This provision applies only if both spouses are U.S. citizens. It essentially allows married couples to transfer assets to each other without tax consequences.