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Whether or not you are over 65 you have to file a tax return if your income exceeds the total of your standard deduction and your personal exemption. Assuming you are single and over 65 for 2007 your standard deduction is $6,650 and your personal exemption is $3,400 or a total of $10,500. If your income other than social security exceeds that amount, you are required to file a tax return.

Up to 85% of social security benefits can be taxable depending upon the amount of your other income. If you are single and the total of half of your social security plus all your other income exceeds $25,000, some of your social security is taxable.

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Q: Filing taxes and receiving social security retirement?
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Your question is confusing. Are you asking about receiving monthly Social Security checks? Or are you asking about Social Security Disability payments. They are two different types of Social Security Benefits.

How soon should you file for Social Security to draw it at 67?

The Social Security Administration recommends filing for benefits three months before your intended retirement date.

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If you turn 65 and begin getting social security retirement benefits does that decrease your spouses social security retirement check that he has already been getting?

No the social security payment amount that you are qualified to receive will not have any affect on the amount of your spouses payment amount that he is already receiving

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The amount of money you can earn while on Social Security at age 65 depends on your specific circumstances, such as your current income, filing status, and the type of Social Security benefits you are receiving. For 2021, if you are under full retirement age for the entire year, the Social Security Administration deducts $1 from your benefits for every $2 you earn above the annual limit of $18,960. Once you reach full retirement age, there is no limit on how much you can earn without a reduction in your benefits.

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Can a person receiving ss retirement also receive medicaid if they are disabled?

Yes, a person receiving Social Security retirement benefits can still apply for Medicaid if they meet the eligibility requirements based on disability. Medicaid eligibility is not solely determined by the type of Social Security benefit a person receives, but rather factors such as income, resources, and disability status.

Are retirement checks subject to FICA?

Social Security retirement checks are subject to FICA taxes (Social Security and Medicare taxes) unless an individual has already reached the maximum taxable earnings limit for the year. Once the maximum limit is reached, no further FICA taxes are deducted from the retirement checks.

Where can I find more information online about social security retirement?

The Social Security Retirement Planner, website, is a government-run website that has everything you need to know about social security retirement. The site helps you plan and know how much you will be getting for retirement.

You have unclaimed property Will claiming it reduce your social security retirement check?

No. Social Security retirement (vs. SSI) is not based on income or assets.

When is full retirement if you were born in 1946?

If you were born in 1946, full retirement age for Social Security benefits is 66 years and 4 months. This means you can start receiving your full Social Security retirement benefits without any reduction in payments. However, you may choose to begin receiving reduced benefits as early as age 62, or delay benefits until age 70 to increase the monthly payment amount.

Will you get social security the month you turn 62?

First you will have to apply with the social security administration to begin receiving your SSB at the age of 62 and then you will find out when you will receive your first benefit check. You can apply online by going to the website SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS ONLINE AND CHOOSE Retirement/Medicare you will go to the Social Security Benefit Application form