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Q: First Ig formed by a fetus?
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When is a fetus considered formed?

First it's a embryo until the 10th week, after that it's a fully formed but small fetus.

It is true that hyaline cartilage constructed the long bones of a fetus?

true the first "long bones" in fetus are formed of hyaline cartilage

What is the first organ formed in the fetus?

The heart is the first organ to develop in a fetus. Together, blood and the circulatory system, that is powered by the heart, form the first organ system.

Which group formed pop art?

Independent '''Group''' (IG),

What is an embryo called once its skeleton has formed?


What develops into the fetus?

A Foetus is formed by the growth and development of an embryo.

What is a embryo from the time its organs are formed until birth?

a fetus

Ambryo fromthe time its organ are formed until birth?


Why do you think a fetus is most risk during the first trimester?

All organs of the Fetus are formed during first three months of Pregnancy. So drugs taken during this period have high chances of 'Structural' damage to the Fetus. Afterward 'Functional' damage can occur.So your Doctor will be very careful about drugs given in First Trimester ofPregnancy.

What is the developing baby called during the first trimester?

The embryonic period extends to the end of the eight week. After the embryonic period (8weeks), the developing human is called a fetus.

What will happen if the fetus is already inside the womb?

It will grow and develop until fully formed.

What is the embryo called after 8 weeks?

For the first 8 weeks the developing human is called an embryo after that it is called a fetus.