

Gestapo is an acronym for what?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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At that time the Germans often created words (acronyms of sorts) based on syllables. Gestapo stands for 'Geheimne Staatspolizei', which means 'Secret State Police', if translated literally. It was founded in 1933, and by about 1936 the word had come to denote the entire Nazi terror apparatus.

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Q: Gestapo is an acronym for what?
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What are gestapos?

The Gestapo were Hitler's secret police and had offices in many concentration camps.

Why were gestapos called gestapo?

GESTAPO, and Gestapos is bad usage- you would say Gestapo agents, or men. It was the plainclothes or detective arm of the German SS and derives from the acronym- Geheime Staats Polizei=- Secret- lit, Internal or Home ( like Homeland security??) State Police. Gestapo is a pronounced acronym. There you have it. By the way Kommissar was a Gestapo rank- better associated with the Russians. It approximated a Major or one ranking above a Police Captain or Hauptmann. There was also a Geheime feld Polizei- Field Police- operating int he Occupied territories. In France, this was styled Feldgendarmerie. ( for local reasons) closely tied into the Waffen-SS.

Hitler's secret police was called?

the gestapo

Where did the gestapo?

because gestapo is aweshum

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because gestapo is aweshum

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The Gestapo are the police.

Did the Nazis have anything to do with gestapo?

The Gestapo were the Secret Police for the Nazis. The Gestapo belonged to the Nazi Party.

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The Japanese Gestapo - or Kempeitai - were very similar to the Gestapo in the way they operated, but had been around for much longer than the Gestapo (1881-1945). Their numbers were considerably larger than that of the Gestapo, however - about 70,000, compared to the Gestapo's 32,000.

What were the nazi secret police called?

The Gestapo.

What requirements were needed to be a gestapo?

The main requirement needed to be in the Gestapo was being a non-Jewish German. You also needed to believe in the Gestapo and agree with that way of thinking to join the Gestapo.

What were Adolf Hitler's secret police called?

The Gestapo was a secret police that showed their strength with the use of terror. Hitler and the Nazi party used this secret police to hunt down Jews, gypsies, etc. Once they found them, they would be sent to the concentration camps.

How did the gestapo get their info?

The Gestapo relied heavily on networks of informers.