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The goal of all Buddhists is to attain enlightenment. Enlightenment can be best described as understanding and seeing the world as it is without preconceived ideas or judgements; that is seeing what actually is happening not what we think is happening, which are two distinct things. The idea is that once we stop the misconception of how the world works we can be happier (less discontentment).

Furthermore, the goal of some Buddhists, called a Bodhisattva is to bring all beings to this enlightenment.

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10y ago

The major goal of Buddhism can be described as a cessation of suffering; so therefore a state of permanent happiness. Exactly what this means differs amongst some of the schools and traditions of Buddhism, possibly the greatest difference are between those Buddhists that seek an end to suffering for self and those seeking an end to suffering of all.

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11y ago

The answer is not as simple as you might think! In particular there are many different schools of Buddhism, some of which may have slightly different goals or interpret the same goal slightly differently.

We could say that the Buddhist path ultimately leads to an end to suffering. But some Buddhist think of an end to their own suffering, some to an end to all suffering, some only the end to the suffering of others.

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16y ago

End of suffering by following the Eight-Fold-Path. see link; Four Noble Truths & Eight Fold Path

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The goal of the Dharma (the path) is to eliminate suffering in the world by guiding all sentient beings toward enlightenment.

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10y ago

The goal of Buddhism is Nirvana.

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12y ago

To reach enlightenment

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