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The capacity to give has limits such as quantities of money or time to be given whereas the capacity to take has no limits

There are many more people willing to take than there are to give

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Q: Greed overpowers generosity is my debate topic can you give me some points on it?
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What is the opposite definition of greed?

Generosity, possibly.

What is the opposite of greed?

The opposite of greed is generosity. Generosity involves a willingness to share resources, time, or talents with others without expecting anything in return. It is characterized by a selfless desire to help and support others.

What are the example of antithesis?

Antithesis means something that is opposite. Ex1) Heaven and Hell Ex2) Greed and Generosity Hope that helped!

What are two examples of antithesis?

Science is the antithesis of superstition. Hatred is the antithesis of love. Greed is the antithesis of generosity. Woops ... I gave three examples instead of two.

How do Buddhist monks reciprocate for the food and offerings they receive?

Buddhist monks do not reciprocate for the food and offerings they receive. People give them food and requisites as a way of practicing generosity, earning merit and overcoming their greed. If the monks reciprocated, it would not be an act of generosity, there would be no merit, and it would not help the givers overcome their greed.Monks practice generosity and compassion by teaching the dhamma to those who are interested, but they are not required to do so and it is not in exchange for food and requisites.The Buddha said that monks who are free from the defilements of greed, anger and ignorance eat alms without debt.

What is the opposite of sharing?

The opposite of the action "to share" would be to withhold or keep (to oneself). (One sense of sharing is selflessness or generosity, where the opposite would be selfishness, cupidity, or avarice.)

Why did the conflict develop in the hobbit?

The main points of conflict in The Hobbit were caused by the greed of various people.

What do you think Washington Irving might say about the effects of greed on society?

Washington Irving might warn that greed can lead to moral decay, division among people, and the erosion of community values. He may stress the importance of moderation and generosity in order to build a more harmonious and cooperative society.

What are the negative points about the money?

There are a lot of negative points about money especially if you don't have enough of it. Money can cause a lot of stress in people's lives. It can also cause greed.

How many verses about money in new testament?

There are about 38 verses specifically about money and wealth in the New Testament, including teachings on generosity, stewardship, and the dangers of greed.

What is the definition for largess in Macbeth?

In Macbeth, largess refers to generosity or gifts given by a host to their guests or followers. It is a symbol of wealth, power, and goodwill, often used to display generosity and gain loyalty. King Duncan's largess towards Macbeth at the beginning of the play contrasts sharply with the greed and ambition that ultimately drive Macbeth to commit regicide.

What is a Thematic statement for A Christmas carol?

The thematic statement of "A Christmas Carol" can be said to be about the importance of redemption, compassion, and the power of transformation. It teaches that it is never too late to change for the better and to prioritize relationships and generosity over greed.