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Q: Has Kevin Jonas ever worn braces?
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Has Justin Bieber ever had braces?

Yes he certainly has worn braces. You can see from the following video that he wears invisalign braces and he takes them out to show everyone:

Can a flipper be worn with braces. I know someone who is missing a front tooth and now he has to get braces. Can his flipper be worn with the braces or what will they do?

ya! a flipper can be worn with braces! i was in the same situation and got braces yesterday!

Are volleyball ankle braces worn on the inside or the outside of socks?

Acttive ankle braces are worn outside your socks

How long should someone wait after they're fitted before getting their braces off?

The length of time braces need to be worn depends on the condition of the teeth of the wearer. In most cases, braces are worn for well over a year, but wearing them longer than five years is rare.

In what job would one wear trouser braces?

Trouser braces are mostly worn by people involving themselves in dangerous activities, like window cleaning, stunting, etc. They are worn during action shots to prevent any damage to health.

Where does Iain Hewitson buy his colourful braces suspenders as worn on tv from?

Are back braces removable?

Most back braces are removable, they are to be worn for an advised number of hours each day. Your doctor will inform you of how many hours it must be worn each day, in some cases it will be during all awake hours except when bathing.

What if daughters teeth moved two weeks after braces were taken off?

She should've gotten a retainer and worn the retainer as she was told to. If she didn't follow that, she'll probably have to get braces again.

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Is there a way to get rid of an overbite without going through surgery or getting braces?

Generally not. Overbites can only be corrected with orthodontics/braces. However there are braces that can be worn that are less noticeable called Invisalign. They are clear and do not look at all like braces. Also, many Dentists/Orthodontists will work out payment schedules for you since they can be costly.

How long do I have to wear invisible braces?

Each set of braces will be worn for two weeks. How many times you need to switch will depend on how badly your teeth are aligned to start with. How long you wear braces depends on the amount of work you need to get your teeth strightened. This is something that your dentist or orthdontist can answer for you.

Did Michael Jackson have to wear braces or were his teeth naturally straight?

His teeth were naturally straight. At no time in his life was he pictured wearing braces, and as braces are normally worn during childhood, they would have been clearly visible during the Jackson 5 era had he needed them.