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well im a hcac student and from what i know from heat pumps if its cold out side and you turn ur heatpump to heat it sends the cold air out side. if it runs too long the outside coil will start to freeze over, there is a thermometer out side that notices this change and will send the system into a defrost cycle, which all that is is the reversing valve slide kicks over and reverces the flow of frion which sends the heat to the outside coil to dethaw the outside coil. while this is happening the air coming out of the registers will blow cold air, this is when ur augzilery heat which is ur 1rs bank of heat in ur air handiler turns on so you don't have cold air coming out of ur registers. hope this helps. from what it sounds like ur system is going into defrost cycle and ur augzilery heat isn't coming on.

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Q: Heat pump with heat on for about an hour then cool air comes on. Why?
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