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For example, you can get a solar stove - one that cooks food with the heat of the Sun. Those can get quite hot, and you can even bake cakes in them. But note that cooking in them is usually a lot slower (you have to prepare the food well in advance). Another option is using firewood - but even though this is technically renewable, in places where firewood is scarce that puts pressure on the environment.

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Q: How Could you replace a gas cook stove with renewable resources?
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According to some recent reviews pellet stove inserts are environmentally friendly. Pellet stoves inserts are made of thin rods of compressed sawdust or other renewable resources that burn more cleanly. Additionally you could qualify for a federal tax credit if you install a pellet stove in 2009 or 2010.

Do you need to replace a 240V outlet for the stove if it makes a cracking sound when the stove gets turned on?

Could be the outlet, could be an open wire, could be a loose connection. First thing I would do is check that the connections are tight. Then replace the outlet. That leaves the wiring... The connection is probably corroded. Check the plug, if it's black and pitted you probably should replace both the plug and outlet.

Is a wood stove a biomass stove?

Yes, cord wood is a biomass category. It is renewable biomass fuel - same category as wood and agri-based pellets.

Is wood-burning stove a biomass stove category?

Yes, cord wood is a biomass category. It is renewable biomass fuel - same category as wood and agri-based pellets.

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Some people view solar panels and wind mills as renewable energy.The main renewable fuels are biodiesel and wood.You can use a wood burning stove to heat your home.You can also use a windmill to produce electricity for your home.

What could chloroplast be compared to in a restaurant?

it could be compared to a stove because the stove provides electrical energy for the making of the food

What did the electric stove replace?

Gas stoves were the most common before electric stoves. Electric stoves came around in the 1930's. The electric stove is more common nowadays, but has yet to replace the gas stove. So to answer your question more directly: They have not replaced anything.

In what year did a stove replace the open-hearth fireplace in the white house?

It was in 1801

I live in a apartment if you have a problem with an old oven can i tell them and will they replace it?

Make your complaint in writing. They should either repair or replace the stove.

Are stove kettles still being made?

Yes, stove kettles are still being made. A person could purchase a stove kettle at websites like Amazon and eBay. They could also find them at Woodland Direct.

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How does the human activity affect earth's renewable and non renewable resources?

It affects renewable resources like this... Example- water. Example Reference-people walk by the water and purposely litter in it, to pollute the water, and kill the fish. _______________________________________________________________ It affects non-renewable resources like this... Example-gas. Example Reference-People waste gasses to burn down houses, and start fires on the stove, also filling up their car. Little do they know, it takes millions of years just to collect the gas, and for it to go through all processes, especially natural gasses. _______________________________________________________________ Hope this helps!! I have science homework just like that, and this was one of many questions. I used my brain, and a textbook to figure these answers out. Congratulations, on getting 100% on your science hw or test. ______________________________________________________________ Remember, write this in your own words! Teachers at every school, check to see if you have done plagiarism. You cannot type exactly what I wrote for the answer. Otherwise, Juvenile Detention center, is were you'll be visiting!