

How HIV AIDS gets transmitted through blood?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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The viruses are host specific. They attack the particular part of the body. When they enter inside the host body the stars to reproduce as the gets the vitamins and other things needed for reproduction. Like wise HIV viruses also attack the WBC of the human body.

It is the White Blood Cell which increase immuno power in human body. In each blood cell we can find WBC. When the blood is tranfused from one person to other person then the HIV virus present in the blood also gets transmitted. Now the HIV viruses multiply their number and starts to destroy our WBC which ultimetly leads to less immuno power causing various diseases such as common cold, diarrhea, pneumonia, etc. Also The loss of body weight by 10 %, it takes more time to cure such minor diseases .

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HIV virus is a complete fraud, it doesn't exist. Sorry, this guy is nuts. I've been HIV, AIDS since October of 1990. HIV, AIDS is a virus and must be passed through body fluids like blood or semen.

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if u have an open cut and you touch someone's blood and it gets in ur cut...infection

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no, when aids gets in the air it dies after a few seconds, and will certainly be killed off after being heated in an oven.

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That would be possible, although improbable. But it's a rather far-fetched scenario.

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No. In fact, the vast majority of cases of HIV in the world are of heterosexual people. HIV is a sexually transmitted disease that can harm both male and female. If a guy has it, and then goes through copulation with a girl, the girl would then be infected with the disease. It also gets transmitted by sharing blood. if you are a doctor, and you take blood from a patient, and you accidentally poke yourself with the needle you just used to take blood, then a chance of the doctor being infected is big.

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if the blood goes on any cuts in youre skin or gets near eyes or mouth. wash hands immediatwly if you are in this scenario