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1. Bill is Drafted: Members of Congress, the Executive Branch, and even outside groups can draft (write or draw up) bills.

2. Introduced in House: Representative introduces the bill in the House. Only members can introduce bills.

3. Sent to Committee: The Speaker of the House sends the bill to a committee.

4. Committee Action: Most bills die here. The committee may pigeonhole, table, amend, or vote on the bill. If bill passes, it goes to Rules Committee.

5, Rules Committee: It decides the rules for debate, and when the bill will come up for debate.

6. Floor Action: House debates the bill, and may add amendments. If a majority votes in favor of the bill, it goes to the Senate.

7. Introduced in Senate: A Senator introduces the bill, which is sent to a committee.

8. Committee Action: Same procedure as in the House. If the committee majority votes for the bill, it goes to the whole Senate.

9. Bill Called Up: Majority floor leader decides when the whole Senate will consider the bill.

10. Floor Action: The Bill is debated, and amendments may be added. If a majority votes in favor of the bill, it is returned to the House.

11. Conference Committee: If the House rejects any of the changes, the bill goes to a conference committee of members from both houses. It works out a compromise.

12. Vote on Compromise: Both houses must approve changes made by the conference committee. If approved, the bill goes to the president.

13. Presidential Action: The president may sign (approve) the bill or veto (reject) it. If approved, it becomes law.

14. Vote to Override: If the president vetoes the bill, it can still become law if two thirds of both houses vote to override the veto.

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What happens when the president signs a bill?

The president signs a bill after the legisilative branch approves it. The president (executive branch) enforces or carries out a law ( or bill. )

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first a bill is only an idea, then it becomes a bill if the people like it and then it becomes a law

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When the president signs the bill, it becomes law. If the president refuses, the bill is vetoed, but if a two thirds vote by Congress, it can still become law.

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A bill that becomes a law is called an act.

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A 'bill' is what the legislation is called before it becomes a 'law.'

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Yes. Once the governor receives a bill, he can sign it, veto it, or do nothing. If he signs it, the bill becomes law. If he does nothing, the bill becomes law without his signature.

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I'm pretty sure that it becomes a law

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A bill.

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All laws start out as bills or legislation proposed by a member of a legislative body, such as a congress or parliament. These bills must go through a series of steps, including debate, voting, and approval, before they can become law.

If the president sign a bill what will happen to the bill?

It becomes law with his signature.

A bill becomes a law after?

after the: mayor governor president sign it into law