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because interal is inside the business e.g. mangers, owners and stuff. the external is not inside the business like suppiles, govement and cosumsers. they will would different things from the business

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Q: How are external stakeholders interests from different businesses?
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Identify the different types of stakeholders?

Internal and External M. C

Types of stakeholders?

There are two type of stakeholders which are internal stakeholders and external stakeholders. Thank you

Are all internal stakeholders primary stakeholders?

No, government and creditor are the external stakeholders.

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The external stakeholders in banking industry are : Customers,supplier,creditor, other banking and financing institutions, and the society and environment.

Explain the difference between internal and external stakeholders?

Internal stakeholders are employees, Directors,Managers, Shareholers and trustees. while external stakeholders include Funders, Suppliers, Customers/Clients and posibly competitors

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External stakeholders are individuals or groups outside of an organization who have an interest or influence in its operations and outcomes. Examples of external stakeholders include customers, suppliers, shareholders, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the local community.

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i think it is the mixture of different businesses

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Generally, stakeholders are external. If an employee is at the same time a stakeholder of the company he works for, then he is both internal and external.