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poetry deals with a single persona- the speaker in the poem, whereas drama deals with a mix of more than one persona. In another view, both of these require presentation because poetry itself is read out loud and drama performed but in usual forms, drama is reenacted whereas poetry itself is written in context by using flowery words that may or may not imply hidden meanings, symbolisms, similes, metaphores. etc.

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16y ago
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6mo ago

In drama, dialogue is primarily used for characters to communicate with each other and drive the plot forward in a theatrical setting with minimal descriptive elements. In fiction, dialogue serves a similar purpose but is embedded within prose narratives, allowing for more extensive descriptions of settings, characters, and thoughts. Additionally, dialogue in drama is often meant to be performed aloud, while dialogue in fiction is meant to be read silently.

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10y ago

Drama is the acting of a characters' conflicts with use of dialog. Usually, either on a stage or film setting. Fictional Poetry is the creative imagination on any subject with word prose style organized in either stanzas or verses. In poetry, one musn't act out the stanzas but only speak them in any type of rhythmn the poet chooses to use. In drama, actors are chosen to play their parts with a director organizing scenes to his or her discretion. Dramatic dialog is where these two are combined into one single craft, but it is a type of poetry used in a lot of Elizabethan playwrights such as ,Shakespeare and Marlowe. So technically, these two genres are not at all that different from one another.

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13y ago

The three are member of a literary dialogue,drama and fiction that the difference of the three is a dialogue is a true conversation that have a discussion between a two person who are talking, Drama is a representation of a story whether that is true to life story or just and imagination.And fiction is a story about how things happened and what are the effects of the things that is happening.

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Q: What is the differences of the dialog between drama and fiction?
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