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A:The book of Genesis is believed to have been put together from the works of three main sources, who wrote in different times and places.

The Yahwist (J) source wrote of an anthropomorphic God with human characteristics, who made promises and covenants with his chosen people. It was, for example, the Yahwist who wrote of God walking in the Garden of Eden in the cool of the day.

The Elohist (E) source always used 'Elohim' as the name for a more transcendent God who required obedience and was feared by his people. People could never look at the Elohist's God, so he typically came in dreams or visions, but sometimes in the form of a cloud or a flame.

The Priestly source (P) used the names Elohim and El Shaddai to describe a remote and unmerciful God who appeared in dreams or sent angels.

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