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Q: How can I tell if yogurt has live and amp active cultures?
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I cant tell you since I dont know where you live but there is a website that should tell you based on where you live

How can You tell if yogurt is old?

check the use by date or smell it

Is there anything that will replace what antibiotics destroy?

All-natural plain yogurt contains live cultures that will help replace the good bacteria which was lost. You should use this as soon as you come off antibiotics. You may also try a Probiotic supplement which would give you several good bacterial cultures. Some have as many as 10 different cultures, such as L.acidophilus L.casei L.bulgaricus L.salivarius and many others that are all beneficial to replace the good bacteria that was killed by the antibiotic. They supply as much as 13 billion live organisms and will get you back on track very quickly. You would have to eat a lot of yogurt to get that amount and it would take a much longer period. At the same time, probiotic supplements have been avoided by the holistic community as unnatural and possibly harmful in comparison to yogurt. I would recommend the slower, and more natural method of eating yogurt regularly. Due to your question, I feel obliged to tell you what would replace what the antibiotics kill (both good and bad bacteria). The best way to regain the bad bacteria is to eat large amounts of sugar, which feeds the yeast of candida.

What roles do dragons play in Asian cultures?

Dragons play a huge role in Asian culters. Since the Asian dragon is actually called "Asian lung" it is a sign of wisdom. They would tell you what had happened in there live and tell live long secrets.

Can you swim in yogurt?

It is hard to swim in yogurt, unless if your being chased by a enormous bird. Than your instincts tell you to paddle harder and faster.

How much vitamin A is in yogurt?

on the yogurt bottle their is a nutrition facts label, which will tell you. I would tell you now l, but it differs between all foods. The Walmart brand has 0% DV, meaning no Vitamin A

What would you tell an alien if they asked how we lived?

Tell about cultures,customs,and beliefs

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How many total fat are in 1 cup of yogurt?

i think its 100 grams u will know if I'm wrong if u look in your fridge and see if u have some yogurt it will tell u on the cup of yogurt

What can myths tell about their cultures?

Cultural views and beliefs.

How do melons chase yogurt when they only have 7 legs?

As you may or may not know, melons do not have legs. When stashed in the refrigerator, on the same shelf, melons can chase yogurt by rolling. Remind yourself to separate the yogurt and the melons on different levels or drawers inside the refrigerator.

What Artifacts can tell us more about prehistoric cultures?
