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Q: How can a change in a characters point of view give a story a meaning and strengthen its conclusion?
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Probably because he is a dynamic character meaning he changes throughout the book, whereas all of the other are static characters, meaning they don't change.

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There is no special technique; whatever your conclusion is, just say it.

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The conclusion is that the milk is going to change color by you doinf the proje t.

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When you change the font size, the size of the characters on the screen will change in size. The characters will appear larger or smaller depending on how you adjust the font size.

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Major characters are the central figures in a story who drive the plot forward and are usually involved in significant events or conflicts. They are typically more developed and receive more attention from the author than minor characters. Major characters often undergo some form of character development or change throughout the course of the narrative.

Can you change the default characters in Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga?

No, you cannot change the default characters. You will also start with the same characters on start up.

What would you do to change hostile attitude of the public?

One cannot change other people; one can only change themselves. Strengthen your inner self.