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Always remember, that there is no such thing as too much learning. The mother can always study hard again for her family and get a better job. It depends though, if the mother had enough learning in the begining. She should always though, make sure she can do the best she can for her family. Just because she didn't finish high school, doesn't mean she can't do anything. If she cannot handle the more learning, then it may be harder (but better), but she can always do extra multiple jobs to make up all the money that she needs. It may be even harder for her children, but it is always worth doing multiple jobs to get the same pay as a person with much more money.


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Q: How can a mother who didn't finish high school get a good paying job to care for her child?
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no he can not aloud to do that no he can not aloud to do that

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Get legal help and get your papers in order. If the child is still in school, and your agreement states so, you may have to continue paying.

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No, she only had some very basic home schooling. Girls were not allowed to attend schools in Albania when she was a child.

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No but your mother can. The child support goes to her and not you.

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Yes, if she has an older child she currently pays child support for.

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No, as long as the money paid is going to the house where the child lives then you can not get into trouble at all. However, if the child and her mother are receiving any form of state assistance you and the mother could get into trouble for committing fraud.

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With approval of the court.