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A relay cannot be used to power a motor. It can be used to control the motor by wiring the motor circuit in series with the relay contacts.

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Q: How can a relay be used to run a 9V electric motor?
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When can an electric motor be used?

You can usually use an electric motor any time you have an available source of electricity with which to run it.

How do you fix an electric fan?

The fan motor itself is not serviceable. The fuse, relay, and sensor could be bad causing the fan not to run. Check these before changing the motor.

What type and Capacity of Electric Motor is used in Printing Press?

capacitor start induction run motor

What is a reylay for electric scooters and what does it do?

A relay is an electric switch that is operated by another switch. Sounds confusing, but a relay uses a small amount of current to control a large amount of current. A tiny switch on the handlebars of the electric scooter causes the relay to turn on. When the relay turns on it is actually a switch that is large enough to control the power needed to run the motor of the scooter. You wouldn't want a large switch on the handlebars, plus if you DID put the large switch there you would need a large wire that could run the motor. Running the scooter with a relay makes good sense and is good electrical design.

Does blower motor relay make fan run?

A typical blower motor relay only operates the high speed function.

Why is an electric motor so important?

they are used to run trains, vacumes, fridges, and other household devices

Can you use electric motor on generator insted of petrol motor?

of course you can.but the purpose of electricity is lost here.generators run by petrol or diesel engines are used because you dont have a electric supply or there is a power outage.if there is no power how can you run the electric motor which runs the generator.hence the generator is always coupled with and diesel IC engine.

What has to occur for an electric motor to spin freely?

In order for an electric motor to spin freely you will have to make sure you have one thing. You have to have the electric current for the motor to run freely.

How do you bypass a radiator fan relay so the fan will run whenever the engine is on a 94 Chevy Cavalier?

By running a ground wire-(jumper) across the terminals on the fan motor relay. Find the terminals that connect to the relay's switch, and short them out like the relay would do. Doing this will burn the electric fan motor out very quickly. Your best bet is to replace the relay and possibly the coolant temperature sensor. The sensor is about $16 and the relay about $14 and the fan motor about $38-$50 at Autozone.

Why are hybrid vehicles different from electric cars and gasoline powered vehicles?

hybrid vehicles run on both an electric motor and gas motor ... electric car run of a power cell the is charged by pulling it to an electric out let and or power box

Is it possible to run a piston using either steam or an electric motor?

You can run a piston with any sort of power, steam, hydro, electric motor. Electric motors are often used to move a piston in pumps, but the rotary type pump is much more efficient. Today steam is normally used to move a turbine, not a piston. Most pistons are used in internal combustion machines and are used to capture to power of the explosion.

Which capacity of generator is required to run 25 hp electric motor this motor will be used to run a water pump to pump the water from tube well?

25 HP is 25 HP, no matter how you slice it and dice it.