

How can marijuana prevent epilepsy?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Marijuana cannot prevent Epilepsy. There are all sorts of reasons for and forms of and levels of severity of Epilepsy, so no one thing can cure or prevent all forms of Epilepsy.

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Q: How can marijuana prevent epilepsy?
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Should people with epilepsy have marijuana?

No. Any sort of street drugs or mind altering substances that can affect your mind should not be taken by anyone with epilepsy.

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no it can't prevent pregnancy

How do you prevent epilepsy?

You can't prevent the disease of existing if you already have it, but you can take medicine to prevent seizures :-D Hope the answer was satisfying :-)

How can you prevent marijuana?

smoke it.

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no it doesnt!

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No, but marijuana is bad for you anyway, not to mention illegal.

How can you prevent smoking marijuana?

Just don't.

Is smoking weed bad if you have epilepsy and on lemectal and keppra?

Smoking "street" weed is not recommended, you do not know what is in it. On top of this, street pot is not necessarily medicinal, it will be more sativa-based, but indica is what contains more CBD and is generally used in medicinal marijuana. However, if you do have epilepsy and current pill treatments are not working for you, CBD-Oil may be the route to go. Multiple studies have shown that CBD, one of the ingredients in marijuana, helps to prevent seizures, especially for those who experience multiple and severe seizures a day.

Did Missouri pass legislation to legalize use of extract from marijuana to treat epilepsy in children?

Yes, the use of cannabis oil has officially been passed and those with epilepsy can now be treated with cannabis oil in Missouri.