What are some common auras associated with seizures?
Some common auras associated with seizures include feelings of déjà vu, fear, anxiety, abdominal discomfort, and unusual smells or tastes. Auras can vary widely between individuals and may serve as a warning sign that a seizure is imminent.
Yes, epilepsy can have a hereditary component. While the exact cause of epilepsy is often unknown, genetic factors can play a role in certain types of epilepsy. If a close family member has epilepsy, there may be a slightly higher risk of developing the condition.
Yes, it is important for his neurologist to monitor the withdrawal process from Xanax due to potential interactions with Lamictal and the risk of withdrawal symptoms. The psychologist can also provide support during this challenging time and help him cope with any psychological effects of the withdrawal. Working together, they can ensure his safety and well-being throughout the process.
Does the epilepsy have anything to do with nerve cell?
Yes, epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects nerve cell activity in the brain, leading to recurrent seizures. Nerve cells, also known as neurons, play a key role in transmitting electrical signals in the brain, and disruptions in this process can trigger abnormal brain activity characteristic of epilepsy.
Should the word epilepsy be capitalized?
Yes, "Epilepsy" should be capitalized as it is a proper noun referring to a specific medical condition characterized by recurrent seizures.
What percentage of the women have epilepsy?
Approximately 0.5-1% of women worldwide have epilepsy. The exact percentage may vary depending on the population studied and other factors.
How many people are affected by epilepsy?
Approximately 50 million people worldwide are affected by epilepsy, with about 3.4 million cases in the United States alone. Epilepsy can impact individuals of all ages, genders, and ethnicities, and it is considered one of the most common neurological disorders globally.
Certain self administered tests can be done and interpreted by any layman. The classic thermometer is a device used to take the body temperature. Another is the drug store blood pressure cuff. One can take one's blood pressure to keep check on certain conditions such as high blood pressure.
These simple measures will help doctors because the baseline of these tests can be very closely monitored by the patient who can call if the result is abnormal.
Can parents be just a carrier for epilepsy?
Epilepsy is not necessarily a genetic condition. It is not infectious either. If there is no family history prior to a particular individual having epilepsy, there is nothing to say that it will be passed down. Epilepsy has a wide range of causes. You would need to know what the specific causes are before you could say anything. Epilepsy can be unique to a family member. It is generally a physical condition. A parent having a broken arm is not likely to have a child with a broken arm born to them. So unless there is a definite family history, it is unlikely that a parent having epilepsy would pass it on. Talk to your doctor.
Why do people have epilepsy daily?
Epilepsy is the name of the condition, so anyone that has it all the time. Some get seizures daily, which is what you are referring to, and some people do not get seizures ever day, but still have epilepsy. Epilepsy comes in different forms and different levels of severity. So some people have it very serious and so they get seizures every day. Others may only get seizures every few days or every few weeks or every few months or even every few years. So the people who get seizures daily are the people who have a more severe form of epilepsy and have their seizures very regularly.
Can truck drivers be an epileptic?
The answer to this is individual to the patient and it depends on the severity and frequency of the epileptic attacks. This can only be ascertained by a qualified medical Doctor whos decision is then applied to local law.
The biggest problem with illnesses that can potentially be dangerous in cars such as diabetics and epileptics is that, even if they are allowed to drive, most insurance companies will charge an unaffordable premium on insurance.
What causes someone to fall blackout and start shaking?
The symptoms you describe sound like a seizure or fit. This may be caused by epilepsy, a head injury, drug (mis)use, excess alcohol, stress, sleep deprivation or poisoning amongst other things.
You should not try to restrain someone who is undergoing a seizure and you must not try to place anything in their mouth. You should not attempt to move them unless they are in a position where they may be in danger (such as in or near a road).
It is however recommended that you cushion their head (if they are on the ground), loosen any tight clothing, especially around the neck, remove any objects from the area that the person may injure themselves on and that once the seizure has finished you lay them on their side and ideally place them in the recovery position. It is also recommended that you stay with the person until they have fully recovered and explain to them what has happened as they may not remember.
Please see the related links for further information.
Did Leonardo da Vinci have epilepsy?
Yes, Napoleon Bonaparte did have epilepsy, as did Julius Caesar.
Can donating blood cause someone who has had epilepsy to have a seizure?
In the UK, if you're on anti-epileptic medication, you're not alllowed to give blood. In the US, the rules vary from state to state. There should be no problem with someone with epilepsy donating blood. It is not an infectious disease, so there would not be anything in the blood relating to it. You cannot catch epilepsy from someone else.
How do you give a person with epilepsy a massage?
Each individual is different. The fact that someone has epilepsy may not have any effect on how you would give them a massage. So in the vast majority of occasions, there would be nothing in particular to be considered.
Is there an epidemic for epilepsy?
Epilepsy is not an infection. You cannot "catch" epilepsy off someone. It is a physical conditional. If someone had a broken arm and was sitting beside you, you could not catch their broken arm off them, like you could catch a cold off them if they had one. So no, epilepsy does not spread.
Can mold cause a child to have seizures if they never had one a day into theyre life?
There is evidence to suggest that mold can cause seizures, but there are a huge range of things that can cause a seizure, so anyone who has had their first seizures would need to be seen by a doctor to try to work out what caused their seizures.
Is there a natural cure for epilepsy?
There are many forms and many causes of epilepsy. It is not a single standard condition. Epilepsy is defined as being the tendency to have recurring seizures and there are many causes of seizures. So no one treatment would work for all forms. So there is no medicine, either over the counter or prescribed, that will deal with all kinds. What works for one person may have no effect for someone else. Each case has to be assessed and then doctors can decide what is the best medication for that particular person. Someine needs to be assessed by a doctor to find out what could be the best for them. Doctors often have to try a few different types or combinations of different ones and try to get the correct dose to get the epilepsy under control.
Where in the brain does epilepsy occur?
Epilepsy is located in the brain. It depends on which type of seizures you have and the cause as to where it is comming from. Focal (simple and complex partial) seizures come from a single area of the brain. Generalized seizures come from multiple areas of the brain.
Which is more useful mri or eeg?
An EEG is for measuring the electrical activity of the brain and how it responds to stimuli. An MRI scan is more like an x-ray. It is for examining the physical structure of parts of the body. There is no saying which is more correct as they are measuring different things.
It absolutely can be fatal. Seizures can cause breathing problems, pressure on the heart etc. Falls during a seizure can cause severe head injuries, seizures while swimming or in the bath can cause drowning. Non stop seizures (status epilepticus) can be life threatening and requires immediate emergency treatment. A friend of my family died during a seizure due to cardiac arrest.
I worked with adults with severe epilepsy for 5yrs. I had one resident who had a huge fit in her bedroom.She was found in her bedroom slumped on her bed. We done CPR but nothing we done could save her. She had very bad epilepsy where she would not breath while having the seizure and she would need oxygen when she had finally come out of the seizure.
It is not an infection or virus. It is a physical condition. If someone has a broken arm, that is not contagious. Epilepsy is the same. So you cannot catch epilepsy from someone, just like you cannot catch a broken arm from someone.
Can epilepsy cause brain damage?
The question here was "CAN epilepsy cause brain damage?" The answer is an unequivocal, "YES, it can" Frequent and/or prolonged seizures can indeed cause brain damage. However, most people that have Epilepsy are properly diagnosed, treated and monitored, so medication can assist them to live normal lives and reduce this risk. Often someone who has Epilepsy has it as a result of damage to the brain, like a traumatic head injury in something like a car accident. Unfortunately, undiagnosed or untreated epilepsy -- or poor compliance with medications and treatments --- can trigger a seizure which could cause a car accident. For that reason, anyone who has had a seizure must surrender their driver's licence until it no longer presents as a hazard. There are specific guidelines available from the State or Provincial Departments of Transport in your area.
How does the immune system react to epilepsy?
Epilepsy is not an infection or a virus or anything like that, so the immune system is not relevant to it. You cannot "catch" epilepsy from someone. So the immune system does not respond to epilepsy. There is nothing that it can do.