


Workplace Health and Safety

Workplace health and safety programs aim to provide employees with a safe working environment. Employers implement several safety programs, hazard identifications, inspections, and safety tracking to ensure the well-being of the workers.

6,168 Questions

What are two important precautions to observe when using light therapy?

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Asked by Wiki User

When using light therapy, keep these two key precautions in mind:

Don’t Overdo It: It’s easy to get excited about the benefits, but too much exposure can cause skin irritation or discomfort. Stick to the recommended time and frequency to avoid any issues.

Talk to a Pro: If you have any existing skin conditions or health concerns, it’s a good idea to check in with a dermatologist or healthcare professional before starting. They can offer tailored advice and help you use light therapy safely and effectively.

Safety precautions you should take when studying the sun?

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Asked by Wiki User

When studying the sun, it is essential to use proper eye protection, such as solar viewing glasses or filters, to avoid damage to your eyesight. You should also avoid looking directly at the sun through a telescope or camera without appropriate filters. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the potential for heat-related illnesses and ensure you stay hydrated and protect your skin from sunburn.

What are 5 hazards of space travel?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Radiation exposure: Astronauts are exposed to high levels of radiation from the sun and cosmic rays, increasing their risk of developing cancer.
  2. Microgravity effects: Extended time in space can lead to muscle and bone loss, cardiovascular changes, and immune system suppression.
  3. Space debris: Collisions with orbiting debris pose a significant risk to spacecraft and astronauts.
  4. Isolation and psychological challenges: Long-duration space missions can lead to depression, anxiety, and other psychological issues.
  5. Re-entry and landing risks: Re-entering Earth's atmosphere and landing spacecraft safely are complex procedures with potential for catastrophic failures.

Is a dosimeter a radiation badge that contains a sensitized film?

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Asked by Wiki User

A dosimeter is a device that measures an individual's exposure to radiation over a period of time. It can come in various forms, including electronic devices and badges containing sensitized film. The film badge is a common type of dosimeter, where the film darkens when exposed to radiation, providing a measure of the individual's exposure.

What are some safety precautions in observing eclipses?

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Asked by Wiki User

When observing an eclipse, it is important to never look directly at the sun without proper solar viewing glasses or other approved filters to protect your eyes. Do not use makeshift filters like sunglasses or exposed photographic film. It is also recommended to avoid looking at the sun through unfiltered cameras, telescopes, or binoculars. Lastly, always supervise children during an eclipse to ensure they follow safety guidelines.

Is asbestos a natural fiber?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fiber that is found in rocks and soil. It was commonly used in building materials until its health risks were discovered, leading to its restricted use.

Can exposure to asbestos cause astrocytomas?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is limited evidence linking asbestos exposure to the development of astrocytomas, a type of brain tumor. While asbestos exposure has been associated with other types of cancer such as mesothelioma and lung cancer, more research is needed to establish a definitive link with astrocytomas specifically.

Why was asbestos used as roofs for houses?

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Asked by Wiki User

Asbestos was used as roofs for houses because it is fire-resistant, durable, and has good insulating properties. However, it was later discovered that exposure to asbestos fibers can lead to serious health issues such as lung cancer and mesothelioma, leading to its ban in many countries.

Why was asbestos used in roofs for houses?

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Asked by Wiki User

Asbestos was used in roofs for houses because it is a fire-resistant material with good insulation properties. It was also cheap and widely available, making it a popular choice for construction. However, asbestos is now known to be a health hazard, as exposure to its fibers can cause serious respiratory diseases such as lung cancer and mesothelioma.

What is Biological hazards?

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Asked by Wiki User

why is food a biological hazard I believe you meant to say. When food spoils it usually b/c of bacteria. which is "biological" it becomes hazardous when "perishing" may cause food poisoning or severe gi disturbances even death in extreme cases. ie untreated food poisoning, elderly, immunocompromised etc.. food does not fall in the traditional biological hazard category- only under special circumstance, some of which listed above.

What safety precautions should researchers take to avoid contact with bacteria?

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Asked by Wiki User

Researchers should always wear appropriate personal protective equipment such as gloves, lab coats, and safety goggles. They should also work in a designated area equipped with biosafety cabinets and follow proper disinfection procedures before and after working with bacteria. Regular training on handling procedures and emergency protocols is also essential to prevent accidental exposure.

What are the precautions when working with bacteria?

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Asked by Wiki User

When working with bacteria, it is important to wear appropriate personal protective equipment such as lab coats, gloves, and safety goggles. Always work in a designated area such as a biosafety cabinet to minimize the risk of contamination. Properly dispose of all biohazardous waste in designated containers and follow established protocols for handling, storing, and disposing of bacterial cultures. Regularly disinfect surfaces and equipment to prevent cross-contamination.

What safety procedure must you follow if you come into contact with an organism you cant see?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you come into contact with an organism you can't see, follow standard safety procedures for handling unknown substances. This may include washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water, removing and washing contaminated clothing, and seeking medical advice if you experience any adverse effects. It's important to also inform appropriate authorities if necessary.

Should you tie back long hair and not wear loose clothing while working in the laboratory?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, tying back long hair and avoiding loose clothing is important in the laboratory to prevent hair and clothing from coming into contact with chemicals, equipment, or flames, reducing the risk of accidents and contamination. It also helps to maintain a safe and clean work environment.

Why do pupils have to wear safety goggles in science class?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pupils need to wear safety goggles in science class to protect their eyes from potential hazards such as chemicals, heat, or flying debris. Goggles provide a barrier between the eyes and any dangerous substances or objects, reducing the risk of injury. It is a standard safety practice in laboratory settings to prevent accidents and promote a safe learning environment.

What are effects of biological hazards?

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Asked by Wiki User

Biological hazards can lead to illnesses, infections, and diseases in living organisms, including humans. They can spread through direct contact with contaminated materials, inhalation, ingestion, or through vectors like insects. These hazards can have short-term effects like sickness or allergic reactions, as well as long-term effects like chronic illnesses.

When might it be necessary to use a biohazard bag to collect evidence?

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Asked by Wiki User

A biohazard bag should be used to collect evidence in situations involving blood, bodily fluids, or other potentially infectious materials. This is necessary to protect the individuals handling the evidence from exposure to harmful pathogens and to prevent contamination of the evidence.

What are the safety precautions to be observed when caring the client with diminished vision?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Ensure good lighting in the client's environment to enhance visibility.
  2. Clear obstacles and clutter from walkways to reduce tripping hazards.
  3. Use contrasting colors for objects and furniture to make them easier to see.
  4. Provide clear verbal instructions and communicate effectively to assist the client in navigating their surroundings.

Can a flammable or combustible liquid be hazardous?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, a flammable or combustible liquid can be hazardous due to its ability to easily ignite and produce fires or explosions. These liquids pose risks to health and safety if not stored, handled, and used properly. Proper precautions should be taken to prevent accidents and mitigate the risks associated with these substances.

What are the different safety precautions?

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Asked by Wiki User

Safety precautions are numerous and varied. Different ones apply depending on what you are doing, where you are doing it, and how much material you are using or moving. The list is much too long to list by itself.

Some safety precautions include:

  • Do not touch or handle broken pieces of ceramic or glass
  • Handle, dispose and store materials properly
  • Don't joke around or engage in horseplay
  • Don't smoke near things that will burn
  • Read the instructions
  • Look out for others
  • Be aware of what others are doing
  • Use protective equipment when appropriate
  • Follow directions
  • Use equipment only according to manufacturer's instructions

When working with wax what are some safety precautions?

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Asked by Drewsimpson98

  1. Always melt wax in a well-ventilated area to prevent inhalation of fumes.
  2. Use a double boiler or wax warmer to melt the wax instead of direct heat to avoid fire hazards.
  3. Keep a fire extinguisher nearby in case of accidents and never leave melting wax unattended.
  4. Use heat-resistant gloves and apron to protect your skin from burns while handling hot wax.

Why safety goggles should be worn when heating or mixing chemicals?

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Asked by Sriadriana1998

Safety goggles should be worn when heating or mixing chemicals to protect the eyes from splashes, spills, or chemical reactions that can cause injury or burns. Chemicals can be harmful if they come into contact with the eyes, so wearing safety goggles is essential to prevent any accidents that could potentially cause permanent damage.

What units are used to measure most gaseous atmospheric contaminants?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most gaseous atmospheric contaminants are measured in parts per million (ppm) or parts per billion (ppb). These units provide a way to express the concentration of a contaminant in relation to the total volume of air.

What is a laboratory experiment?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

A laboratory experiment is a scientific investigation conducted in a controlled environment, typically a laboratory, to test a hypothesis and gather data on the effects of specific variables. It involves manipulating independent variables to observe their impact on dependent variables while minimizing external influences.

What are the precautions associated with using mullein?

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Asked by GaleEncyofAltMed

When using mullein, it is important to avoid contact with the plant's tiny hairs, as they can cause skin irritation. Additionally, individuals with allergies to plants in the Scrophulariaceae family should avoid mullein. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult a healthcare provider before using mullein, as its safety in these populations is not well-established.