

How can others help us understand our own behavior?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How can others help us understand our own behavior?
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Social psychologists seek to understand social behavior, including how we interact with others and how other people influence our own behavior. Social psychology is a fascinating field that looks at a wide variety of social behaviors including topics such as the bystander effect, attitudes, and person perception

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Social psychologists seek to understand social behavior, including how we interact with others and how other people influence our own behavior. Social psychology is a fascinating field that looks at a wide variety of social behaviors including topics such as the bystander effect, attitudes, and person perception

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Focuses on how indivduals interpret their own behavior and the behavior of others on a society

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It can help you to understand how the composer intended the piece to be played, and also allows you to create your own styles around a piece of music. In a composed piece of your own, it can allow others to understand your own thoughts, and increases achievement greatly

Why do people study psychology?

Psychology is the study of human behavior and thinking. People study it to learn why humans behave the way they do. They want to learn why people think the way they do and learn the way they do. They want to know how the human brain operates.

How do you think the 4 goals of psychology can help or hurt humanity?

The four goals of psychology: describe behavior, understand behavior, predict behavior, and control behavior I believe can help humanity a great deal. We have to begin to understand how we behave in our everyday life has an effect on others. We much first learn the cause and effect of our own behavior before we can begin to study other people around us. Humanity cannot describe behavior unless they understand the behavior as a whole first. It is good to be able to predict ones behavior in order to make our reacting behaviors send the message we wish to send. I believe communication skills also fit into psychology because our behaviors also send messages, and you cannot describe, understand, predict or control a person's behavior without understanding and describing the nonverbal communication messages the behavior emits. We use the four goals of psychology in everyday life, and whether humanity as a whole realizes it or not, we are always predicting and trying to control ones behavior, but we cannot also describe or understand the behavior. Psychologists use the four goals to determine various personalities and personas and figure out better ways to deal with various patients.

What is meant by the term Social Learning?

This is the process of people learning by watching the behavior of others. They learn how to change and control their own behavior by seeing how others behave.

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