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A few skin cancer treatment options are surgical removal of tumors, applying ointment that contains chemotherapeutic agents to the surface of the skin over a few weeks.

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Q: How can skin cancer be treated?
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Related questions

How long does skin cancer stay on your body?

"cancer" usually stays in the bottom until death, or if some cases, if there is a cure...which skin cancer can be treated, but not cured.

Does John McCain have skin cancer?

John McCain has been treated several times for skin cancer. He was treated for Squamous Cell Carcinoma before the election in 2008. Squamous Cell Carcinoma is a common type of skin cancer and easily treatable type of skin cancer. He has been treated for melanoma, a much more dangerous type of skin cancer, four time. Three of those times, the cancer was found in a very early stage and quickly taken care of. The cancer that caused the most worry was a melanoma on his left cheek that was diagnosed and treated in 2000. It went to a depth of about 2.2 millimeter's, making it a Stage 2 cancer. The cancer did not spread to the lymph nodes and presumably not to any other organ. At this stage, the five year survival rate is about 80%. Seeing as it has been nearly twelve years since he was treated, there is a good chance the melanoma was cured.

Does John McCain have cancer?

John McCain has been treated a total of five times for skin cancer. He has been treated once for Squamous Cell Carcinoma, a common cancer and easily treatable. The other four times have been for Melanoma, a rarer and more dangerous type of cancer. The melanomas were found early and treated. He has shown no signs of being affected by the cancer yet, and it is unlikely that he will.

Why freeze skin cancer?

This technique is sometimes used because to kill cancer cells, they have to be accessed in some way or another. If the cancer is on the outside of the skin, it's easily accessed and treated cryogenically, as opposed to chemotherapy or radiological therapy for internal cancers.

What type of doctors cure skin cancer?

It may not be cured, but a dermatologist will treat it , also if there are lesions they can be treated by a plastic surgeon.

Is squamous cell carcinoma skin cancer curable?

Depends on which kind and how early the diagnose. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common skin cancer. The good thing is that this one is normally very treatable by just cutting it out. Melanoma is the more concerning skin cancer because it can spread rapidly if not diagnosed early. So, it's very important to prevent skin cancer so you don't have to deal with it after the fact. Avoid the sun during peak hours roughly around 10AM-3PM. Wear protective clothing and sunscreen if you have to be out in the sun. Of course, avoid sun bathing to get a tan, natural or via a tanning bed.

What happened while the 40th president was in the hospital?

He was treated for a gunshot wound in one visit, and skin cancer and intestinal polyps in others.

Does Lil' Wayne have skin cancer?

It is said that Lil Wayne does have skin cancer.

What is the dependent variable of skin cancer?

the temp.intering into your skin and starts the skin cancer

a scientist wants to make advances in the way skin cancer patients are treated what is something she should do first?

Study existing documentation about skin cancer treatments, and from that information develop a theory about what improvements could be made and how those improvements could be achieved.

Can you get skin cancer if you eat someone with skin cancer?

Yes, you can :)

What is the scientific name for skin cancer?

The scientific name for skin cancer is melanoma.