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There are a number of simple ways you could reduce your use of fossil fuels. These would also probably save you money as well.

  1. Turn down the temperature on the thermostat in your home by a couple of degrees. You probably won't notice the difference in temperature, but you will save energy (it is estimated that a 1 degree C decrease in thermostat setting can reduce your energy use and hence your heating bills by 10 %.
  2. Consider replacing incandescent light bulbs with energy saving bulbs.
  3. If you feel a chill, consider putting on a jumper or some extra clothing rather than turning up the thermostat.
  4. Consider turning down radiators in areas that are not commonly used or where you do not spend much time such as landings or hallways.
  5. Close your curtains at dusk to help stop heat loss through your windows.
  6. Consider making short journeys on foot or on a bicycle rather than by car. This is also a good form of exercise and a way of helping to maintain a healthy weight.
  7. You may also want to consider using public transport rather than a car for some journeys (although this may not always be convenient or even possible).
  8. When you leave a room, turn off the lights.
  9. When you go to bed at night, turn off your television and other electrical equipment at the wall rather than just setting them on standby (as when they are on standby, they are still consuming electrical power).
  10. When using the washing machine, try using the lower temperature wash settings. It is not necessary to wash clothes at a high temperature unless they are very badly stained / very dirty.
  11. Hang your wet washing up or out to dry rather than using a tumble dryer, as these use very large amounts of electricity and are typically expensive to run.
  12. Some local authoraties (in the UK and probably other places too) offer grants to allow people to improve the energy efficiency of their homes through improved insulation or the fitting of solar panals to reduce energy demands.

Please see the related links for more information.

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