

How can you expunge your record?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Every state has laws regarding expunction of records. Generally a record is expunged if the charges are dismissed. If a person has been convicted of a crime he cannot have the case expunged, but perhaps sealed (meaning that the public cannot see the case and the Defendant can legally deny the existence of the case) if the person was not adjudicated guilty (meaning officially declared guilty as opposed to a judge withholding adjudication of the case).

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How do you use expunge in a sentence?

The word "expunge" means to completely remove something from the record. An example of using expunge in sentence is "He went to jail for something he did not do, so he got the court to expunge his record."

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if you're lucky, they'll expunge this crime from your record.

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It's a very burdensome task to expunge a criminal record.

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For the most part, you cannot expunge a convicted felony from your record. The DUI would just remain on top of that.

What is the average time a felony stays on your record?

A felony will stay on your record for life. Even if you expunge your record it will still be there.

Can you get a DUI felony expunge off your record in Mississippi?

You can have your record expunged, but it is rarely successful when you were convicted of the crime.

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Example sentence - He obeyed all the laws and was a good citizen for ten years and could now request to expunge his record.

What paper wrk do you need to expunge your criminal record in Missouri?

shawshank redemeption

How do you expunge a felony in Illinois?

Sorry, a felony remains on your record forever and ever.

How do you expunge a child endangerment arrest from your record in IL?

Go and see an attorney.

How long do you have to wait to expunge your driving record?

3 years

Can you expunge a DUI in NC?

You cannot expunge from your record any conviction that was received as an adult. In NC, 16 and older is an adult. If you were convicted of anything, it cannot be expunged. Only charges that were dismissed can be expunged. Your DUI will be on your record forever. Sorry.