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When you lose a tooth, write a note to the tooth fairy and put it under your pillow or with your tooth. By morning, your tooth will be gone, money or a little gift could be there instead , and your note will answered! (that's if you asked a question)

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Q: How can you get to write a tooth fairy note to the tooth fairy?
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For is the tooth fairy real wow?

Yes, the tooth fairy is real. For proof when you ever loose a tooth write a note to the tooth fairy with you tooth on top of it. If you ask him/her a question I promise you she will right back. It is a personal experience between me and my sisters.

Do you have to leave a note for the tooth fairy?

No, the tooth fairy is a fictitious character. its honestly just your parents.

My child wants to keep her tooth and leave a note for the tooth fairy. Should the tooth fairy leave her money?

Yes, of course, that is the whole purpose. Well, the "Tooth Fairy's" job is to take the tooth from under the pillow and leave a gift, it can be money or whatever she would choose to leave. If the TOOTH isn't there for her to pick up it elimates her job and the story is incomplete. She isn't called the note fairy, or the "iou" fairy, after all! I'd explain to her that, I didn't think it would work, that it is like she is trying to trick the Tooth Fairy, she knows the tooth came out and is waiting for the tooth. But if she still wanted to try I'd let her, but the Tooth Fairy wouldn't be acting like the note fairy, she'd be offended and not take the note. Maybe even leave one of her own, asking for the tooth. Then I'd encourage her to leave the tooth the next night and the Tooth Fairy would be happy to leave a gift, maybe with a note saying it's not nice to try and fool the Tooth Fairy. The Tooth Fairy can leave more than just money, he can leave a note or a small gift. The Tooth Fairy really needs teeth for his castle, so that is why he takes every single tooth.

Who would the tooth fairy have a crush on My daughter left a note asking this?

Tooth Fairy doesn't exist sorry kid

How can your sister write the tooth fairy?

just address the letter to "the tooth fairy", the post office will know her address!

How can you get the tooth fairy to take your tooth away?

Leave a note on the door, saying: "Dear Tooth Fairy, i have left a tooth under my pillow, please, take it"

Is there such thing as the thooth fairy?

no because i found my tooth fairy note in my moms night satand

Is the tooth fairy your mum and dad?

yes as the 'tooth fairy' would wake you up by the tinkling and your parents write messages as the 'tooth fairy' would never be able too write so big and read those big questions children always have to write again and again and again and again and again

Are your parents the real tooth fairy?

Probably not if you write a letter to her she'll answer you

How do you say my tooth is lost to the tooth fairy?

Well, you could write a letter to the tooth fairy, or maybe ask your parents to write one for you just so you can get proof that you aren't lying about losing a tooth. mail it to 2866 sabor avenue lima, peru. Good luck! (:

Can you write to a tooth fairy when you don't have a tooth loose?

The Tooth Fairy is very busy going around the world taking the teeth of children and replacing it with money or a gift. If you do leave a note when you don't have a loose tooth he might not take it for a while.Thats bs, theres no tooth fairy. & wont ever be one. im sorry, its true ..ull figure that out suuuum day - just qo ask mommy or daddy.actually the tooth fairy IS real! Because I know where she lives! She lives over the ninth cloud east over the lavender fairy bridge through the big sky road and then you will find the gate to the tooth fairies house!

How does the tooth fairy know you lost a tooth?

The tooth fairy is your parents