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take it easy and don't mess up



Actually EVERYBODY messes up, including you. It is literally impossible to be perfect. Everyone has mistakes and still will in their life. How to live life you ask? Well its pretty simple. Just be yourself and enjoy the good times. Never feel sad for something that isn't worth it :)

BE HAPPY! Reach for REALISTIC dreams!!

Another answer: Religion, philosophy, ethics, and law are all concerned with this question. We live in a society of laws and other individuals. It is best to abide by the laws and standards set in place in any society for the mutual peace, so society can run smoothly. You are free to do anything that brings no harm to another as far as you can help it, and that is not against the law. Seek happiness for yourself and happiness for others. Realize that life is a continual cycle of good times and bad times for as long as you live. When the bad times come be happy that 'this, too, shall pass'.

We all know that this world is a tough place to live in. In order to achieve true happiness is to do good to others. Not only to your family and closest friends but all. To achieve it is a different thing.

Lets say one is driving a car. Instead of going headless from place to place, try driving "for" them. Give way to people on busy roads and give them a good thought, you might find that the lights are green the whole way through :)

The way we should live lies in honest, caring moments. The ones who have failed are the ones who we should love the most and then be grateful where we are ourselves.

live life to the fullest!

Live safe and be true to yourself

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12y ago

Just let God Bless your life, and you'll see another day.

Yeah, and eat and drink and stay healthy

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