

How can you no if you got a rooster?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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the rooster being the male has colorful feathers and appearance,this will make him more visible to preditors.the female(hen)is more mundane in color so as not to attract attention from preditors.the colors of feathers often blend with the surrounding folage to be an effective camouflage,the reason for this distinction is to protect the female because she the most important reproducer of the species.

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How do you make a rooster?

The only way to make a rooster is to wait for the chicken and cock to mate. You have to hope for a boy because you've got 50/50 chance of getting a boy or a girl.

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A rooster will never brood the eggs, but he will defend his chicks. Although my rooster one time did brood when we first got him he stopped the next day, he only did it because the hen was already sitting on the eggs.

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No. Chickens will go out in the rain and do fine. They don't like to get wet but they will not get sick from it.

Do roosters turn into hens?

Yes. If there isn't a roster in the flock already then it isn't rare for a hen to turn into a rooster. They even cock-a-doole-do. I have had two hens turn into roosters because the rooster got eaten by a fox... lol

What is the plural for rooster?

The possessive form for the noun rooster is rooster's.

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well I know that they chose the name Rooster Teeth because they wanted a nicer way of saying "cockbite" so that is probably where they got both the name and the logo at the same time.

Do you kill a rooster to get the rooster comb injections?

When they get the injections from a rooster's comb, the rooster does have to be killed. They can get rid of a rooster's comb without killing it but it has to be on the first day that it is born.

How do you get your rooster to mate with your hens?


I want a Bulbasaur on Pokemon diamond but havnt got Pokemon leafgreen i am are willing to trade my rooster is 4898 3969 8783?

i will

Why does your hen look like a rooster?

Personally, after raising chickens of all types for 35 years, my hens look like hens. However, some of my roosters also look like hens. Not only can there be delayed feathering in a rooster, but genetically there is a condition called "hen feathered rooster". In delayed feathering, the rooster pattern will occur eventually. In the genetic condition, you know you've got a "hen feathered rooster" when he starts mounting the hens and exposes the penis during a "cloacal kiss".

What do you call a rooster voice?

A rooster crows.