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you should have someone take a bat and put it around your stomach, like the himlike, while your sitting down. they should apply medium pressure and when they did all of that you stand up. this forces all the gas out

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Frequent very smelly farting what could be wrong and is there any thing you can do about it?

no........................take gasx

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Midol Helps Me. Some People Say That GasX Also Helps.

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if you eat 3 spoons of peanut butter then drink two cups of coffee you will feel the same

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Relax, A colonoscopy requires air to be pumped into the bowel, inflating the organ so the camera at the end of the scope can image properly. That air can take from an hour to a few days to be expelled. If you have not been given specific instruction on how to reduce the discomfort then an over the counter simethicone product like GasX will help. Ask your pharmacist for more information.

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i had the nissen done on 7/14/08, i was on a morphine pump after surgery.i used the pump 5 or 6 times,i was discharged the next day, i was given 40 percocet to take at home, i only used 15 in 2 weeks. i had a lot of gas,but taking gasx and walking helped alot, i had no trouble swallowing. i have no hearturn or reflux.i was on a liquid diet for 1 week, then moved to soft foods for one week, today i can start eating real food again. doc says take it slow and over chew food for a couple of weeks. i am a contractor and i can return to work on 7/31/08. this operation has been a godsend, and i would recomend this to anyone who is suffering like i was. just make sure you find the right surgen,my doc has done over 200 of these,and was very through with doing the proper test before surgery.

How can you stop passing wind all the time you also take 20mg ofAmitriptyline for a urinary tract problem. I am fit and healthy I eat well and exercise regularly. i take a probiotic everyday.?

Gas is a naturally occurring side effect of healthy digestion. It occurs when food breaks down into its variety of components.Gas is also created by the microbes that are being fed by the probiotics.Unless a doctor has specifically recommended the probiotics, you are more than likely just giving the microbes more to digest which in turn creates additional gas.Most healthy foods create gas because they digest easier and break down into components that pass through the system quickly.A not very well publicized side effect of eating healthy, exercising and taking probiotics is an increase in gas production.The simple fact is an unhealthy diet that leaves the digestive system sluggish, creates less gas.There aren't really healthy options that reduce gas production; though if you only need short term solutions (such as a special meeting or date), there are products such as gasx or beeno, but I do not recommend making any of them into a habit.

What causes Pain in pelvic area?

could be caused by iternal tissue trauma I don't really think its tissue trauma. I myself have experienced this pain. I have had it checked out and it turned out to be hpv, which can be classified as a sexually transmitted infection. I've spoke to others who have had it and they have had the same symptoms.I know this sounds disgusting but the center for disease control estimates that 80 percent of all women will have had it by the time they are 50. Most men don't know they even have it because they is no test to determine it in men, leaving it only diagnosable in women, and it can remain dormant for a long time. I myself was in a monogomous relationship for three years before I found out. MY SUGGESTION TO YOU IS GET A PAP and DON"T WASTE ANY TIME.

How do you not fart?

Here are some things you can do to stop excessive gas:Watch what you eat! Beans are known to cause gas, but other foods also cause gas. Some of these foods are grapes, some cheeses, Brussels sprouts, artichokes, peanut butter, potatoes, and rice. Foods high in carbs feed the bacteria that make the gas!Chew your food thoroughly.Exercise well. If food just sits in your gut, it begins to putrefy, which can cause gas. Moving the body helps foods get through the system.Make a tincture of peppermint and caraway oil. People have used this for centuries to calm a gassy gut. Drink it as a tea or mix it with food for a high-energy treat!Try cutting dairy. Many people are intolerant to lactose, a natural sugar in milk. In some people, this carb turns to gas.Try an OTC remedy. Beano and other OTC remedies really do work! The enzymes help your body break down the carbs that turn to gas.Check with a doctor. Unrelenting flatulence can be a symptom of serious conditions including Crohn's Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, celiac disease, pancreatitis, and many more.