

How can you tell if you have fed your goldfish too much?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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The water will get cloudy is probably the biggest way to tell. Also if there is food floating around at the top then you are defiantly feeding them too much. They only should be fed for about 5 minutes a day and whatever they can eat in that time is good enough for the day. Get any uneaten food floating around to keep the tank clean and your fish healthy.

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Q: How can you tell if you have fed your goldfish too much?
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a gallon is much too much, a standard fish can fill a regular and average glass bowl, a gallon! Totally enough, I tell ya, you, the questioner.

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it either grows to be fat or dies.......i think

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maybe overcrowding, not being fed,and the tank too small. btw how big is it??

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