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Colcichine inhibits the formation of spindle fibres during early metaphase.Thus the cell division process stops during late prophase.micotubule has 2 ends.+ end or - microtubule growth addition of tubulins(subunit of microtubule) is much faster than removal of it at - end.but if we supply cochicine to the cells,new tubulins will form complexes with colchicine and when these tubulins added to + end,further elongation is inhibited,but removal of tubulins at the other end is still continuing,so we speak about degradation of mcrotubule.the end result is division process stopped,because now,metaphase is not possible.

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Q: What are the effects on mitosis in a cell that has been treated with colchicine?
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Why was colchicine taken off the market?

The FDA has warned manufacturers, marketers, and distributors of single-ingredient oral colchicine products to stop distribution of the unapproved drugs. There is only one such product -- Colcrys -- that's been approved by the FDA. The agency approved Colcrys for treatment of acute gout flares in August of 2009. Despite the fact that colchicine has been used for some 200 years for treatment of gout and familial Mediterranean fever, the unapproved products ordered off the market on Thursday are not considered generic drugs and have not been evaluated by the FDA, the agency said in a statement. The FDA statement noted that Colcrys has "important safety data and recommendations on drug interactions and dosing not available with unapproved products." Colcrys has been approved by FDA for only for treatment of acute gout flares. Colchicine is also used as a prophylactic to prevent gout flares for daily use. Colcrys has not been approved for that use. Yet Colcrys cost is several dollars per tablet with the monopoly given it by the FDA. While that may be OK to treat gout flares, it becomes extremely expensive for daily preventive use. Generic colchicine should remain available for prophylactic use until a colchicine based drug is approved by the FDA for that use.

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What is the natural source of colchicine?

According the the Centers for Disease Control, "Colchicine, a naturally occurring alkaloid derivative of the autumn crocus Colchicum autumnale and the glory lily Gloriosa superba, has been used to treat gout for centuries." -- crocus is mentioned on numerous alternative medicine sites as well.

Are there other medications besides allupurinal and colchicine for gout?

There are quite a few different tacks that are taken in the treatment for gout. have a look at the associated link ( How To Treat Gout With Diet and Medication) to find out more about the options available.

How long in terms of hours does a person have to wait to take colcryss otherwise known as colchicine if he had eaten grapefruit?

Persons taking colchicine are advised not to consume grapefruit at all, for the duration of their treatment. The risk being that grapefruit interacts with colchicine in a way which elevates the potency of the drug, increasing serum concentration levels, potentially leading to overdosing/toxicity side-effects. The level of reaction a person experiences correlates to how much grapefruit they consume - the greater the amount of grapefruit, the bigger the reaction.Although you are thinking ahead to your next dose, it is important to point out that colchicine has a half-life (time it takes for half of it to be excreted from your system) of about 10 hours, and assuming your drug regime is twice-daily, there would still have been some colchicine in your system when you consumed the grapfruit. It is because of this that there is no "safe" time in the day to ingest grapefruit.In this instance, the safest thing is probably to wait at least four hours between consuming the grapefruit and your dose of colcincine, since by this time you should have digested most of the grapefruit. However if your dosing regime is "once daily", just move it to as late in the day as possible and gradually move it back to your usual time over the subsequent few days.

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