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This answer has been rewritten and condensed to reflect the main views in a more organized fashion. To see the individual detailed statements, debates, or to write your own views, please visit the discussion board.

The main point that seemed to have been made by many of our users is that the victory is by God, not just his followers. There have been many incidents throughout The Bible in which followers were greatly outnumbered, but with God's intervention, they had victory. It has also been stated that not all people that do not follow God, necessarily follow Satan either. It is felt by some that when the time of Revelations does occur, that those who are non-believers will be condemned, and will not take part in any sort of war. The opinion was also expressed that Christian followers will have their place in fighting authorities that Satan has put in place in a global political system of ruler ship more so than they would in a war of Heaven against Hell.

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Q: How could Heaven win a war against Hell when Jesus' followers have always been so greatly outnumbered by non-believers?
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