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Q: How could someone who is unaffected by criticism be describe with a compound adjective?
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What is a compound adjective for cowardly person?

"Yellow-bellied" is a compound adjective used to describe a cowardly person. Others are "lily-livered" and "chicken-hearted."

Is sandwich a compound adjective?

Sandwich is not an adjective. It is a noun and does not describe anything. "Sand" might be a word, but "wich" is not. Sandwich is actually named after The Duke of Sandwich, a place in England. Therefore, sandwich is neither compound nor an adjective.

Is back and forth a preposition?

No, it is not a preposition.Used for a verb, it is a compound adverb: going back, and forth.Used to describe a movement, it is a compound adjective: a back-and-forth motion

Is blue- eyed a compound noun?

No, the compound word 'blue-eyed' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.Example: Her dog was a blue-eyed husky. (the adjective 'blue-eyed' describes the noun 'husky', a breed of dog)

Is blood bank a noun or an adjective?

The term 'blood bank' uses the word blood as an adjective to describe the noun bank, which produces the open compound noun 'blood bank'.

Adjective to describe motorcycles?

five adjective to describe a motorcycle

What adjective that describe a chief?

The adjective to describe a chief - 'Supremo'.

Can you describe the Mayon volcano using a two-word adjective?

One compound adjective could be "cone-shaped" because of its close approximation of that typical volcanic shape. Another two-word adjective could be "near-symmetric."

Do any adjective describe essential?

'Essential' is an adjective. No others describe it.

How would you describe an adverb with an adjective?

you can't but you can describe an adjective with an adverb.

Is the word describe an adjective?

No, describe is a verb. The adjective form is describable.

What adjective does not describe D' Artagnan?

An adjective that does not describe D'Artagnan is coward.