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If he is a true narcissist he hates children. The risk of abuse - physical, psychological, and even sexual - is considerable. My book: "Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited" (c) 2003 Lidija Rangelovska Narcissus Publications

I think if the narcissist is the kind who receives narcissistic supply by basking in the glow of others, for instance his children, he can be okay as a parent provided the children are beautiful, high-achieving or posses attributes that the narcissist perceives as a positive reflection on him. A potential problem arises in adolescence, however, when children seek to differentiate themselves from their parents and are rejecting of their parents. At this point, I think the narcissist is likely to de-throne i.e. stop idealizing the child, and start devaluing the child. Best not to have children with them.

I have 5 children, 3 of whom are my dh's. I had to send my oldest to live with his father when he hit adolesence for his own protection. He comes to live with me on holidays and weekends. The only way to keep my dh from harming him, physically, psychologically, etc, is to threaten him. I have told him that if he ever touches him, I will call the police and have him thrown in jail in a heartbeat. He is scared to be exposed and for all to know that he is less than perfect, so this works. I also threatened this after he hit me once 4 yr ago when I was pregnant with baby #4. He has not hit me since, although he threatens to and tells me I should be hit to teach me to control myself. He thinks that spanking is the only form of discipline. One of the reasons why I don't leave him is because if he is alone with them, joint custody, I cannot protect them. With us living together, I can counter the harm he causes. A part of me hopes that he will do something that will cause me to be able to get full custody of the kids when I leave so that I don't have to leave them alone with him.

In short, a narcissist having custody of a child for half the time would be a bad idea. Keep a log and record conversations so that you have evidence when the time comes.

Whoever you are - please do not stay in the marriage thinking that you are protecting or diluting the harm done by dh. I am separated from my husband (NPD) in April shortly after finding him in bed with another woman (who had had an abortion just 7 days earlier - someone else's). Your children will be better off without that are only one person and unfortunantely your children learn more by example and what you are teaching them is that it is okay to put up with it. Not to mention the example you are showing of unnecessary self sacrifice and lack of self respect by tolerating that sort of environment. Believe me, God will protect you and provide for you. My mother made the same mistake and thought she was protecting us from my abusive NPD father's tactics...but I wound up marrying one...though not physically abusive. The damage is psychological and will affect there core self-esteem and abilities to make sound decisions and choices when it comes to people.

They will expose all the nasty bits about the spouse to the kids. That spouse in return is doing the same thing because he/she has just left the nastiest person they have ever known and can't help but expose them. My narcissist's spouse can be quite 'off' with the kids because they defend their dad to the hilt. This is because he has worked on them in his narcissist way.

If you give in to the N they will take an arm and a leg too, with as much concern as you have about rendering a turkey carcass into soup. I left my N 12 years ago, had no problem getting sole custody after his behaviour. I have tried to be a good person throughout, lots of access and involvement, not harping on about the unpaid child support. Not knowing that I was dealing with a mentally unhealthy person, I thought, well at least he's not alcoholic. And when you think everything is peachy-keen and everyone's moved on, you discover that this person has been a busy busy bee, working away behind your back... It has taken me a year of fighting to get any say in my son's life again. His dad made a complaint that we were physically abusing my son and transferred him to another school and then they told me it was my son's decision and I should go along with it. Then things began to descend into madness. Calls from social services, calls from the RCMP, death threats from my son; my 12 year-old offering to sue me for his Gamecube and then I find out that this man pulled his kid out of school and then lied - to his own kid, telling him he had been kicked out!....separated my 12 year old boy from friends, family and peers, away from all sports or social activity, rotting in a one bedroom apartment... and then I went through a lunatic merry-go-round trying to involve the school, social services, the police, anyone to look at the situation. This with full custody, SOLE guardianship, 2 police enforcement orders and a deadbeat dad with no formal education. I have had to explain countless times that I can't go to court for visitation rights! I have custody! Finally, now that my kid is in psychiatric care and the hospital brought in a team of lawyers, now that I have taken this the whole way to our MLA (member of legislature) and put social services on the line for their past mistakes, now I am finally getting some recognition as the parent willing and able to act in my son's best interests. It has been a long road. Never leave yourself open with narcissists; they are deviant way beyond anything a normal thought process can anticipate and they will NOT change unless maybe with years of therapy. Your child doesn't have years.

The narcissistic parent (NP) will generally badmouth the other parent, and will try to turn the children against them. My father almost succeeded with my younger brother, but fortunately, my mother, siblings, and I were able to help him. The NP will also badmouth the siblings who don't buy into his false presentation. Common phrases used are "don't tell your mother, but..." or "don't tell your sister/brother, but..." or "don't tell ______that I said this, but he/she is ______."

The best course of action (speaking from experience) is to minimize contact and explain to your children what narcissism is.

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You can't just throw a diagnose around and expect everyone will be the same. A narcissistic parent would probably not be the best parent but not dangerous. This is something a doctor have to evaluate case by case.

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11y ago

On the part of whom, the child or the parent? You need to provide more information. If the parent has been diagnosed with OCD and this fact has been brought forth in court, it's doubtful the court would rule the child be placed in an environment they feel would be harmful to them.

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Q: How dangerous is a narcissistic parent with joint custody?
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Generally, only under circumstances in which there is clear evidence that the child is in an unsafe environment, and has been reported as such. And in that case the parent must file for an emergency order with the court of jurisdiction. It will be followed up by a full hearing within a couple of weeks.

What happens when you are taken to court for joint custody?

The other parent has filed a petition for joint custody. They want to have the right to be included in decisions regarding the child and perhaps want equal physical custody also. There will be a hearing. If you presently have sole custody and object to the other parent being awarded joint custody then you should consult with a attorney who specializes in custody issues who can represent you in the action.The other parent has filed a petition for joint custody. They want to have the right to be included in decisions regarding the child and perhaps want equal physical custody also. There will be a hearing. If you presently have sole custody and object to the other parent being awarded joint custody then you should consult with a attorney who specializes in custody issues who can represent you in the action.The other parent has filed a petition for joint custody. They want to have the right to be included in decisions regarding the child and perhaps want equal physical custody also. There will be a hearing. If you presently have sole custody and object to the other parent being awarded joint custody then you should consult with a attorney who specializes in custody issues who can represent you in the action.The other parent has filed a petition for joint custody. They want to have the right to be included in decisions regarding the child and perhaps want equal physical custody also. There will be a hearing. If you presently have sole custody and object to the other parent being awarded joint custody then you should consult with a attorney who specializes in custody issues who can represent you in the action.

If you have joint custody of a child can this child move in with you?

If you have joint custody, there is one parent that is the custodial parent. A child can move in with you if you are the custodial parent or you can file in court to change your status to the custodial parent. The child should want to live with you as well.

Which parent is responsible in Joint custody of teenage drunk driver?

the parent in possession at the time.

Can a remarried parent relocate children?

Not if the other parent has joint custody and/or visitation rights.

Can a parent with joint custody of a minor child relinquish custody of that child to a third party without notifying the other parent?

I believe not.

If you have joint custody can one parent get a travelling visa out of the county for the child without the other parent's permission?

no, even if you have sole custody

What can be done if you have joint custody but one parent does not cooperate?

In what way?

Can you have one parent sign your DL 44 form if both parents have joint custody?

You need to have BOTH parents sign if they have joint custody.

What are responsibilities of noncustodial parent?

To do anything possible to get joint physical custody.