

How did 'Antigone' become known in England?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The play 'Antigone' may have become known in England as early as the Roman invasion. The conquering Roman generals may have been familiar with the play as part of their early education in the classic writings of the Latin and earlier Greek languages. Over the centuries, scribes who were versed in the ancient, classical languages of the Greek and Roman civilizations may have begun making copies. By the time of the rise of the universities in England, such copies may have been part of the teaching and reference materials of instructors, librarians, and wealthy patrons. The Norman invasion of October 14, 1066 may have quickened the pace of the copying, learning, owning, reading, and teaching of such masterpieces of the ancient world's literature. And the succeeding centuries may have consolidated the process through the elite network of education by private tutors, university scholars, and public schools.

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