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Jason was the son of Aeson, the rightful king of Iolcus (in Thessaly) and Alcimede. Pelias, Aeson's half brother, usurped him in a bid for power and killed most of his children, save for Jason, whose mother had sent him to Chiron to be educated. Still fearful, Pelias consulted an oracle who said he should beware a man wearing one sandal.

Many years later, Jason made his attempt to return to Iolcus to claim his throne. Pelias was holding games to honor Poseidon and this was as good a time as any. On the way, he helped an old woman cross the River Anauros (it was Hera in disguise) and he lost a sandal. When Jason arrived, he was announced to Pelias as a man wearing one sandal, and Pelis remembered the Oracle. Only Hera's blessing saved Jason as he confronted Pelias. Pelias told Jason he would happily give up his throne to the man who returned to Iolcus with the Golden Fleece.

To aid his journey, Jason recruited the heroes of the Age: The Boreads (sons of the north wind who could fly), Heracles, Philoctetes, Peleus (Achilles' father), Telamon, Orpheus, Castor and Pollux (the Gemini), Atalanta and Euphemus (who could walk on water).

The ship, Argo, was built by the famous shipwright, Argus, and was said to have been designed by Athena. The figurehead was carved with wood from the sacred forest of Dodona, where ancient oaks spoke and gave prophecy. It was through this figurehead that Hera would give Jason advice.

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Q: How did Jason come to seek the golden fleece and who aided him in his quest?
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In Jason and the Quest of the Golden Fleece what was Jason after in his quest?

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Jason's journey was a quest to find the Golden Fleece.

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Jason was sent with the Argonauts to find the Golden Fleece.

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Jason, the Greek hero, led the Argonauts on the quest to find the Golden Fleece. The Golden Fleece was a symbol of authority and kingship, and Jason sought it to reclaim his rightful throne.

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The search for the "golden fleece" is told in the myths about Jason and the Argonauts.

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to get the golden fleece

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The Golden Fleece