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Q: How did Mendel and acutes scientific work after from the work of T.A. Knight?
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How did Mendel's scientific work differ from the work of TA knight?

Mendel counts the number of each kind of off spring the analyzes the data

What does Mendel's work genetics show about the value of scientific observation?

Mendel studied genetics, and he discovered how we get our genes(thru random assortment)

Why was the church upset with gregor Mendel?

You may be confusing mendel with someone else. His monastery was very supportive of his work when he was being ignored by the scientific community. After he published his work the elected him unanimously to lead the monastery.

What was some of the work of others that Mendel used as background information for his experiments?

During his college work, Mendel studied under Johnann Nestler, who did research on breeding sheep for maximum output of wool. From this, Mendel saw that specific traits could be passed from one generation to the next. His work at the abbey gave this idea a scientific foundation that, amazingly, was lost for almost 40 years.

How did Sutton work build on mendel work?

sutton was studying grasshoper sperm which was what mendel was working on

When did Mendel do his experiments?

Mendel's work was published in 1866.

What is Gregor Mendel's famous quote?

My scientific studies have afforded me great gratification; and I am convinced that it will not be long before the whole world acknowledges the results of my work.Gregor Mendelby: maryan alli yahoo

What organisms did gregor mendel worked with?

Brother Mendel did his work in heredity using pea plants.

What is the attitude of gregor mendel?

The difficulties of Gregor Mendel was that he found out what happened to the pea plants (etc) but when he told the scientists, they didn't believe him since he was a priest. This was what was difficult.

Who discovered how genes work?

Gregor Mendel

Did Gregor Mendel work in human genetics?


How Mendel contibuted genetics?

Mendel was the first man to work seriously on Genetics. Hence he is called the father of genetics.