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Alexander VI is one of several popes from this era of history who were embarrassments to the Church. He bribed his way into the papacy or out right bought it. Before becoming the pope he already had sired at least two illegitimate children and may have sired a total of 8-10 by more than one mistresses.

The above is correct. Rodrigo Borgia was one of the infamous line of Borgia popes who were an embarrassment to the Catholic Church. Before becoming pope, or even a cardinal, Rodrigo had already married AND had kids, neither of which were permitted for any clergyman. On top of that, and having several concubines, the future pope appointed his son, Cesare, to the position of bishop, and then to cardinal. While neither of those moves were considered heresy (they were pretty much illegal anyway), Pope Innocent XII later ended the practice of nepotism. Basically, he was a terrible guy who just lied and cheated his way to the throne, and then did what he pleased, without any regard for the Church, or the people.

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